Sick and tired of "Genji getting buffed too OP" counter him if you want to defeat him

I know what she has, a Genji will beat her in a fight. He can burst her faster than she can do any of that and he has the mobility and range to decide when the fight happens, not her.

Symmetra is only advantaged against tanks. She does not counter any DPS heroes.


Nah, sym still counters him.

And that is fine. There are other heroes which are balanced around synergy. They also never buffed the hell out of Pharah because she isnt that great when she doesnt have a Mercy around.

It’s okay to be wrong. Sym only counters bad Genjis and I explained why.


That’s why they buffed Genji

The only logical reason they can have for buffing him is because they want him to be meta in OWL. There is no other reason. He was quite lterally sitting in the same spot stat wise where Doom was on GM ladder.

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You literally provided the other reason. Genji was bad without Nano.
The devs provided the other, other reason which was that he couldn’t really compete with the other burst flankers like Echo and Doomfist

Saying it was just for OWL is just plain wrong.

But he had nano, so he was doing fine. Synergy matters. Like i said. You dont buff heroes because they might be doing worse if they didnt have XY synergy. Its like buffing Zarya, because in the 1 game where she isnt run with Reinhardt she might be not doing so well as if she had a Reinhardt.,

That’s like saying Bastion is doing fine because he has synergy with Bunker/Pirate Ship comps.
Or that Pharah is perfectly fine since she has Mercy.

Not a very good example. Zarya doesn’t rely on being with Rein, she can do her job without him and still be quite effective

No Bastion is not doing fine exactly because EVEN with pirate ship he doesnt work. And Pharah is not doing fine because she gets outclassed by Echo EVEN if she has a Mercy.

He does work with Pirate Ship, it’s his best Comp. People may laugh since it’s Bastion, but he does well with a team that builds around him. But that’s the issue with him, you need your team to build around you or you’re going to be feeding.

Whoa, and it’s like even with Nanoblade, Genji was still doing worse than Doomfist and Echo

Then why is Bastion not played in high ranks? Why is he one of the only heroes ever hitting 0% pickrate in GM? Setting up pirate ship is not even hard. You know why. Because the effectiveness of that strat scales with the less the enemy knows about how to play the game. In high ranks hes a throw pick either way.

No, Genji was sitting where Doom was at stat wise pre buff. Only Echo was picked more, but Echo got nerfed last patch. That nerf by itself already puts these 3 closer together.

Because other heroes could do what he did and more without relying on their team to pocket them. Kinda like Genji and how heroes like Doomfist and Echo could do what he did and more with less risk and no need to be nanoed to get any substantial value.

Doomfist was above him

Everyone has been saying this to y’all about Moira and Brigitte for years, but oh.


Be careful. You’re going to get a load of salty tanks and supports who echo chambered this when their classes got overbuffed.

No, people in high ranks care more about winning. If it was worth it, they would pocket the Bastion if that gave them a good chance at winning the game. But it doesnt. Because hes too easy to counter.

Genji and Doom are roughly in the same spot. Look at GM stats this month which still makes up for the vast majority of Genjis old stats.

Genji pickrate: 1.67%, winrate 55.77%
Doom pickrate: 1.36%, winrate 55.86%

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Yeah, and they could run other heroes that would get more value than him without the need to be pocketed by their team.

That also sounds a lot like Genji. The hero that is one of his hardest counters is also perhaps the easiest hero to play. He also has many other counters

That’s not pre buff, Doomfist was above him pre buff

Like i said these are stats from this month which makes up for the vast majority of Genji stats pre buff. They are roughly the same. Even if you take away the most recent post buff stats, they arent far away from each other.

Or you could just use the stats that are all pre buff?

I did, but i dont have a screenshot. I was discussing his stats 2 weeks ago pre buff and he was middle of the road. Maybe Doom had like, 0.1-0.2% more pickrate but they were roughly the same.