If 90% of the playerbase play the game in the wrong way, maybe the wrong way is the right way, and you are just narrowing what you consider the right way to play?
But the thing is, low rank players wouldn’t have to complain about certain things if they just improved their own gameplay. Can’t kill a completely stationary bastion? Well you’re just bad then and he doesn’t need nerfs, he’s already garbage.
And it’s just a fact that higher ranked players understand the game better. You probably won’t ever get above plat unless you have some kind of understanding of everything as a whole.
A Silver players opinion on how strong Junkrat is & how strong Widowmaker is is far different from what a Masters/GM player thinks. Balance should not be done by opinion. Blizzard has the data to know who needs balancing. The tricky part is actually implementing it in a way that doesn’t break something else.
There is no question that higher rank players understand the game better than lower rank players, unless you’re talking about an exception like a really good Hitscan player who is new to the game but can click heads really well. We’re not talking about exceptions. In general, high rank players know better because they’ve put far more time into the game to get to high ranks.
All the best hitscans from other game trying OW out got demolished by plat. So you still need a lot of understanding of the game to be high rank.
Not always. I’ve seen players who’ve only played OW for a couple weeks in Masters because they’re that mechanically gifted from other shooters.
Gifted is not an issue. But you don’t magically grasp all the interaction between heroes and maps geometry and the visual clutter fest to be instantly a master. Are you sure they are not boosted or they already played OW before on their alts?
So rather than you know listen and work out if they are right or wrong, you look at there rank to determine what’s right or wrong… not a very smart way of thinking.
Let me put it this way unless you can see a big flaw in there argument it is very likely from there perspective they complaints are real and truthful. They may not be correct.
Good example, rein pushes shatters 4 and loses. From his view he feels if he had more support he and the team would be winning.
The reality may be there is a flanking hog/tracer farming your backline and that’s why his shatters/plays get no follow ups.
Now your solution to this is go… err mate your lower rank than me so your wrong!
When maybe you should explain to him that you can follow up because the hog and tracer are too much of an issue to push that hard.
Now imagine if you are the rein saying for you team to push.
They tell you why and you just look at there rank and call em noobs and your right… yea sure you’ll be winning that game.
It’s the same as the gold medal agruement or tabbing blaming a off meta hero looking at stats to justify and complex team fight is dumb. Try to understand why you/your team lost and communicate it.
In the same vein, a DPS Top 500 player probably will say more wrong stuff about Ana than a plat Ana.
Everyone’s hero pool is different from each other. You might lowball a lot of heroes (especially off-meta heroes) and have a lot of misconceptions about them simply because you never used them for long, or fought against them often enough.
You being high rank do not mean you have better understanding of every single hero and ability interaction in the game. It just means that you are skilled enough to win most of the common interactions. Understanding all the interactions is the game dev job, not a happy side-benefit from attaining a high rank.
Uhm actually I would trust a top 500 DPS on Ana than any plat Ana to be honest. Top 500 using Ana can heal every one, can take care of herself, can call out and can punish enemy mistakes and can sleep a nano blade. Plat Ana can only shoot tank, stand in the open against Widow and just meekly follow her tanks with no real plans, and become useless as soon as some flankers looking funny at her.
You noticed that I was talking about the knowledge of how Ana works, and not about how well they would play the character, right?
They have more knowledge about Ana than you would think, they play with/against top 500 Ana’s every day.
Character knowledge is not a binary “know” or “don’t know”. There is a ton of nuances, and understanding those nuances is important for game balance, but not that relevant to play with/against them.
A Genji player only need to know enough about Ana to avoid sleep darts and bionades in the face.
Ana players need to know the delay upon using sleep dart, the projectile speed on unscoped shots, and how gravity affect bionade at medium/long range. That is on top of usual healing priorization, positioning and ult management that is shared among all supports.
The Genji player might also know all that? Sure, but he is not required to learn any of that to become a top 500 Genji. The only thing relevant about Ana that he needs to know is learn to avoid her abilities.
This is an example of ad hominem and/or authority fallacy.
‘You are not good enough, so I don’t have to listen to you.’
There are people with a solid understanding of the game who lack mechanical skill and so are lower. And there are people who have a lot of mechanical skill but little understanding of the game. And there are people who climb on a single hero and don’t understand anything outside that hero (this effect is compounded whey they play an OP hero, so climb even higher). In the end, take the argument itself. The rank of the player is irrelevant to the argument.
Not necessarily. It just means they are better at playing the game. Let’s look at an example. Who know the game better, OWL pro players or OWL coaches? The players obviously play at a higher level than the coaches, which is why they are on stage instead of the coaches. But, it is pretty obvious the coaches know the game better, which is why the players listen to them. Rank doesn’t guarantee a lot of game knowledge.
And high rank does not preclude bias.
The person’s rank should not even enter the discussion.
Let’s use this as a perfect example. What you just did is an ad hominem fallacy. You aim an attack at the rank of the player, not the argument. A good response would be to explain how you can deal with him and why a nerf to an already bad hero would be a problem. Address the argument, not the person. Rank should never enter the discussion.
You said that, but I still don’t see a lot of plat Anas who are able to comprehend all those “nuances” that you listed. They still can’t heal squishies and commit nades and nano at the wrong time and the wrong targets all the time.
For example, do you truly believe a plat Ana has good target priority? I see they dump the whole mag on full shield tanks while the squishies drop like flies around them.
Yes, I do. It’s good enough to land them in a rank that is above average of gold.
They don’t need to be able to speak that out verbatim. Just by playing a lot of Ana, you need to learn those stuff.
Eg, if you need to land a long range bionade, you’ll move from behind your tanks to prevent the nade to explode at the tanks in front of you. If you need to panic a sleep shot, you know you need to lead your shots, just like you do with Mei.
Like, this kind of stuff should not even be a contention point. If you use a character a lot, you instinctively learn how they work. If you are interested in a specific character, you’ll search information about them, and eventually will find the numbers.
Yes, I said this when i was in Gold, Plat, Diamond, Masters and so-on, Your rank represents your understanding of how the game is played (except widow abusers)
I would rather take a Doctors advice over a random High-School student
I thought he said he was a gold support main while playing storm rising when it released or something.
Let me put it this way OP:
If your opinion should only be taken seriously because of your rank … you dont have a point at all.
Same applies the other way around.
The problem with ‘weighting based on rank’ is that ranks are near-meaningless at this point. The ladder is a 4-year no-reset cesspool with noisy data and false gameplay. Individuals are representing themselves at many ranks.
Most people don’t care, and everyone good is already boycotting. Rank doesn’t make you an expert/noob.
Learn how the ladder (lol SR) actually works before talking about ‘correctness’. All bets are off in regards to rank when most “experts” can’t even spot the smurf, spot the thrower, or detect the cheater.
If I had to be the one pushing ad hominems and gatekeeping for micro/macro know-how, I’d be looking at stats like k/d per healthpool received, hours played, and other indicators. SR is probably the single dumbest performance metric right now.
This is an incredibly narrow minded and pretty elitist perspective. You can’t write off ideas or perspectives based on skill level at a game. There are a lot of lower ranked players that have a good head on their shoulders and contribute valid ideas. You have to weigh them unbiased and on their own merits.