I don’t think rank should matter. rank can a lot of time be effected by aim, usage of the meta or just luck reaching high rank on the first games.
Some players can understand their mistakes like positioning,aiming,picks, team work,synergy or countering and yet repeat their mistakes.
Not to mention, being good at something doesn’t mean you have to understand it and it might do the other way around considering you do well, you would feel like you know anything while in reality you just rely on one factor of the game.
A lot of posts here are about a way to look at the game rather than facts and it’s fine different players will see different things.
Not to mention, in lower ranks there are problems you can’t find in high ranks and the other way around.
high ranks have a lot of team work and positioning that might strengthen or weaken heroes while low ranks give more opportunity to solo power. players need to rely more on themselves than anyone else for better or worse.
Both sides need to be looked at in order to give players from all ranks the feeling of balance and effect.
It’s an fps but it’s also work a lot on countering and strategy.
Both sides are important.
Not to mention a lot of players are stuck in low ranks without a way to get out… not to long ago I saw a post about a player from gm who tried creating a smurf and got stuck in gold or plat without a way to get out.
these ranks rely ALOT on team work so unless you’re a god widow (or ashe, same skill) or a god Tracer you’re most likely not gonna get out…
There is no easy anwer tbh. If we go the path you proposed (and there are arguments to do so) where will we place the line from where your argument is valid? Top500? Top10? TOP1? GM+? And what if your rank changes after patch and/ or meta switch?
Second issue - this kind of an approach directly ignores majority of the playerbase. And I mean if we say GM plus TOP500 sets the rules we say we ignore 99% of the population. And it is kinda important becouse they will deal with the consequences of your actions (plus blizzard so also amount of new content, employees number etc).
Third case: What if we have different opinion within the rank? Who will be the top boss who decides?
Another case: what if there is no one answer? Player who play supports will be more likely to get balance that allows them to fight/ protect/ survive. Those who focus on dps characters might be more likely to expect to fight vs healer and any character with “fight back” mechanic will be an issue. That kind of a problem will be independent from the rank.
At the end i think that what should happen is this:
- accept the fact that different ranks have different skills/ experiences / expectations
- accept the fact that one set of rules / balance sets will harm either majority of the players or top players and we can’t make both of them happy plus it will affect pro leage
- Divide community into two groups (eg. diamond + as equivalent of top 10% players with meta based of top players expectations) and others with balance around gold/ plat
- Accept the fact that there are ppl not capable to understand the game and simply ignore lowest 10% of the community - they should not determine how ranked games work at all
- Make some limits where you can’t simply swap between diamond and plat every game: once you get to top10% to play there to the end of the season. And you can get there only if you start there
Plat is average along with gold
No but people already do that anyway.
When a streamer or a pro says something about a hero everyone blows it away in the forum as it is godsend.
people have the right to complain about how they feel about the game no matter the rank. Besides, my word would have more weight than most of the people here if that was the case.
I really do think it would be better if we could see Rank in the forum posts. What is good advice for Diamond could be incredibly bad advice for Gold.
I think it would reduce the bickering about what’s OP and what’s UP as well.
Everyone knows that the ranks play differently.
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No. Every argument should be judged on its merit.
If an argument is right it shouldn’t be too much of an issue to explain why.
If someone is reluctant to do give an explanation and then have a discussion it’s generally a good idea to treat what they say with suspicion. This doesn’t just apply to Overwatch.
yes and no. I’ve seen plenty of gm players say stuff that makes no sense and is bs.
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No, as we see stupidity from all ranks.
No, opinion should be weighed based on a lot of things, including rank but not focusing on rank alone.
Rank def should NOT be the reason you dismiss someones opinion.
They did say their staffs have all kind of ranks from gold to GM as well. And don’t forget the private discord channel, if Jeff wants professional input for the game he always has it.
The difference between high ranks and low ranks is not just mechanical skill, it’s game sense, which is much more important. What you’ve said is invalidated based on that oversight. There are plenty of players in diamond who are aim gods, but cannot climb simply because they feed all the time, don’t capitalise on kills, don’t press W when the time is right, etc.
Not necessarily. What mostly invalidates the opinions of lower ranked players is that the game is not played ‘properly’ at lower ranks (team fights do not happen in the best way possible, ult economy is almost non-existent, much more feeding happens, mistakes are punished way less, etc).
The lack of this game sense can in some situations, invalidate one’s opinion because they have formed their opinion based on a situation that they THINK is the fault of a specific hero(es), when it is in fact SOLELY due to their lack of game sense.
Haha I remember I had to struggle to kill every single Pharah and her Mercy all by myself to climb out of gold, then suddenly I got myself a pocket Mercy and aggressive Dvas who would dive bomb the Pharah non stop once I hit platinum. It made a world of difference, maybe elo hell does exist in some form.
So what you’re saying is that there’s basically no one input from bronze and silver players.
If your SR is below 4300 then you don’t get an opinion.
Everyone can have their opinions heard, I have no right to stop them. But through my personal experience it’s very hard to take it too seriously. It brought back the memory of a bunch of clueless players (myself included) blaming each other for the losses. I wouldn’t trust my past self for opinion either.
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The skill set required to play the game well is not the same skill set required to understand how game balance works. Some people have skills to be good at both, but rank alone don’t mean they know how to do game analysis and game balance.
No but high ranked players do know more then us.
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They have to listen to low rank players to some degree because if they don’t and the low rank players are complaining about something that is ruining games consistently for that rank, but not for higher ranks (let’s say reaper or bastion whih seem common targets), then more low rank players will leave before they ever rank up. Blizz (and you) really don’t want that to happen just because you think they know nothing compared to your high and mighty position.
In all honesty every rank should have a weight on an opinion. They might balance the game around the pro players but they have to make sure the game is enjoyable at lower ranks as well.
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