Universally it is agreed that if your a skilled shot as a sniper, one shot is all it takes. So how do we deal with Widowmaker in overwatch?
Yes her one shot is punishing but I don’t think it should be removed completely.
You already don’t get one-shotted but your armour should honestly be buffed so it reduces more damage from Widowmaker but also your movement speed. Why? Cause I don’t want a Reinhardt to be running at me swinging his high damage weapon at me.
Dps and support: honestly you should still be one shotted.
If your a flanker and you get up and personal with Widowmaker and don’t get one shot, then there is no use for widow.
As a support your supposed to be hiding behind cover so you can keep your team alive. If you get one shotted cause your out of cover, you have no one to blame but yourself honestly.
However I agree Widowmaker should be nerfed? How you might ask? Simple her hp should be lowered and nerf her mobility(her grappling hook) your a sniper , you should be punished for getting flanked
Apart from Tracer and Baby D.va, she has the lowest HP in the game and is one of the easiest heroes to headshot. If you do not have a support nearby who are dead if anything comes close to you (especially with Sombra in her current state and Dive being strong).
About her grapple. its sometimes very unreliable, has a casttime and the longest CD for a movementability in the game.
For the close range thing not really as if your a very good sniper one flick hs can protect yourself.
As for her grapple, I mean the range plus the super jump might give her too much mobility in my opinion (super jump being pressing space while grappling)
Widow IMO needs a rework. I think she should still have a 1 shot in some form, just not on primary fire alone.
Possibly something similar to her april fools change where its a DOT so she can still 1 shot, but allows room to prevent it with defensive/healing abilites
Should she lose her one-shot? Absolutely not.
Does she need a nerf? Maybe.
It certainly doesn’t help that her shots seem to be larger than the 0.05 they are supposed to be.
She could definitely have her projectile size reverted to pre-S9 size. Maybe a very slight nerf to charge rate so that she can’t so easily just hop out of cover with a near full-charge shot. Just the size revert would likely be enough.
You would make tanking not only feel like complete garbage but there’s also the fact that not every tank has armor.
What does this even mean lmfao. A widow can still body close range heroes because all she has to do is land one shot and it’s over for them.
You do realize… you can’t hide behind cover forever correct? And if the support is too busy hiding behind cover they are greatly limiting the LoS they have over their teammates to be ABLE to heal?
The problem with ranged 1-shots is that to the person being killed they never feel earned. And especially in Widow’s case they do require good aim to consistently kill people. But you can also do it while hiding in the back line.
At metal ranks this is just annoying because the consistency isn’t there. So eventually you get the Widow and move on to a different part of the map where she’s less effective and then she’s basically useless. But it’s still frustrating. In GM though, that Widow is the server admin and hits enough shots consistently enough that you just can’t peak that sightline ever. So now it’s not just obnoxious it’s OP.
Hanzo is a bit of the opposite where in metal ranks you die instantly to Hanzo spam and you see that in the kill cam and want to rage. Yeah that happens in GM too but at least there you also have Hanzo’s who can aim and at least some of the time you can recognize that they just made a good play. Still dying to a 1-shot feels bad. It always feels bad because there’s a lack of reactive counterplay.
I don’t know how you solve the problem here in a way that doesn’t remove 1-shots from Window and Hanzo. And yeah, especially with Widow that completely wrecks her identity. It truly does. Removing 1-shots feels simultaneously necessary and also like a bad idea. If you don’t remove the 1-shots then the only alternative really is to make both basically permanent D-tier heroes so they are very uncommon. And that’s also a bad solution.
Basically we’ve got a bunch of bad options and we need to decide which bad option we all like the best.
Preemptive measures also don’t feel good. The loudest voices against 1-shots are actually from GM players not metal ranks. It’s because when an entire sightline is gone that’s incredibly powerful in itself. The GM players know about these preemptive measures. If metal ranked players were as vocally upset as high ranked players then 1-shots would be removed by now.