I’ve seen this topic come up again quite a bit…
It seems that many players still want the old game to come back as a separate game (which was suggested all the way back in 2021 but got ignored…)
And when we say “Overwatch 1” we for all intents and purposes refer to the final build of OW1 prior to the October 4th introduction of the new client update…
Now you might say “they don’t have enough money to support OW1 costs”…
To that I say:
- Microsoft acquisition might change the financial side and give them more leeway to support the previous game being kept up
- They could put it on battle net and charge $20 or $60 for it
I’ve put my suggestion forward to the director… Maybe they’ll take notice?
So what do you guys think?!
Don’t worry, when the player numbers will tank they will do the “Overwatch Classic” thing like they did with other games. Of course, you’ll have to pay for it separately and none of your stuff will transfer so you’ll have to buy it from the cash shop again (and no, they won’t revert to loot boxes, cash shop is cash shop and ripping you off as much as they can).
Yes but that’s not what I’m suggesting here…
I’m suggesting a separate standalone OW1 game client…
“Overwatch Classic” would be something different in my eyes i.e. it would be the first iteration of Overwatch…
Which I’m personally not too interested in…
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This is my favorite version of Overwatch. Those were the days…
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nah, what i really wanted from ow2 was the pve and hero missions. Im fine with 5s, im in favor of getting rid of push mode
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The only reason I don’t like it is cause it’d just split the playerbase. Queue times are already starting to get kinda slow if you play outside of peak time and it’d be even worse for both versions of the game if this came out
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can’t find clip where he only said the thing
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i dotn think it can be brought back the files are likely long overwriten with the overwatch 2 data
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i’d rather have 6v6 in OW2
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I would like to see OW1 return
I feel it was a far better game than the pay to win game being called OW2
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Yes, bring it back to how it was the week before OW2 dropped and ruined everything then start making content for it again with the old loot box system and bring in new rewards for competitive.
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i would play launch overwatch in an instant since yea launch widowmaker
They should bring back ow1 dev team back
As an arcade mode? Absolutely.
They should have left 6v6 in there along with all the other OG modes so those who liked them could play them. Can’t do it now because the playerbase isn’t large enough to find games in a decent time.
Yes the 2016 ver of OW with no new heroes
Why do people say that ?
Do you guys have any idea how programming works ?
You make normally versioning so that you can always go back if one or more version got problems or bugs committed. It is very easy to get a old version of a project if the project commits got tracked from the start.
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That was decided a long time ago. We just have to be a little patient before Blizzard announce Overwatch Classic.