Should Sombra's Hack work more like the Discord Orb?

if reaper gets hacked he ded

its pretty good tbh

its actually very very good

sombra is way better than reaper.

reaper frikken sucks so much compare to her, in every way

hitbox size/ hp ratio

idk how ppl cry about sombra when reaper is literally 1000 times WORSE

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Because Reaper isn’t trash when a fight starts?

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I don’t know Reaper is fairly decent, especially with the teaks to reload his guns and to cancel wraith form. I think a minor tweak to let him get more health for doing dmg might make him a bit more viable. Last i payed attention I was getting like 6hp for doing 60+, so I’d say it’s like 10% if not less dmg.

Maybe even let reaper get extra Hp sort of like DF. Temp HP over his maxim to say 50 extra if he’s doing dmg?

I think that would be far too OP actually. It would make characters like Doomfist, Genji, and Tracer completely unplayable (I mean… I wouldn’t mind it being bad for Doomfist… but the others…).

Maybe something like Discord is good, but make it last as long as her hack does now and give her a cd of like 6 to 8 secs so that she isn’t hacking people forever, but is able to hack more consistently.

Just saying now that I don’t like… ever play Sombra, but I do understand the whole issue with hacking.

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reaper is very trash

he literally doesnt do any damage unless hes within 5 feet… lol

so he automatically has a disadvantage in range compared to 90% of the roster, sombra not being one of them.

also his hiutbox is giant, same size as bastion… 3 times as big as sombra… why not 3 times as many hitpoints as her?

Just some facts here (all nummbers are from Overbuff):

  • Reapers has almost double the DMG overall then Sombra (R = 14’061dmg, S = 8’990 dmg

  • Reaper is picked 4 times as much as Sombra (R = 2.1%, S = 0.57%)

  • Reaper’s Winrate is at stable 50% Sombra’s is very unstable somewhere around 45% sometimes way lower.

  • Reaper has 27 kills in average Sombra 22 kills

  • Reaper can cancel Sombras hack and Stealth from more than 20m away
    immediately by pressing m1 Sombra can only stop him from using it before he’s actually using it in 0.7s only up to 15m away by pressing m2

  • Reapers hitbox is between Sombra’s and Doomfist’s not nearly at Baston’s (Tested this ingame)

  • Reaper is not near as buggy as Sombra:Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #19 by Somvra-1200

Sombra is a f-tier hero that got nerfs Reaper just is not meta right now Widow and hanzo can just take him out you cant get near them thats why he is a bad pick right now while Sombra is not meta was never meta and is underwelming so she needs buffs Reaper don’t.

But I do disagree with the main post hack is long enough its just needs to be more consistand


It should at least be something like this, above enemies.

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Sombra would get slapped down so hard and so fast, that they might as well delete her at that point.

It’s an idea OP, but it’s an idea that would make her stupid overpowered.

Because Sombra can’t 1 shot someone from full health.

He has that already, his name is Roadhog.

Yes, please. I still have no clue why this hasnt been a thing since launch.

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Me neither… I seen other great picture for an indication that an enemy is hack.

Let me try and find more.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet Here is another great picture here.

Sombra is worse than reaper

  1. You have some serious problem with math.
  2. Reaper isn’t “just is not meta right now”. He was meta only once. Thanks to an another OP hero.

Yeah Reaper do that once in a blue moon.
And Reaper can’t go invisible. Cant hack, don’t have wall hack. Has way worse range etc.^^

It would be way too powerful.

Reaper does it all of the time, if you know how to aim… And yes technically reaper does go invisible, it’s called Wraith form, the difference is he can’t be damaged when using it… UNLIKE sombra.

Sombra can’t 1 shot like reaper, and you do realize reaper can 2 shot a roadhog from full health?

This is why Sombra’s ability are such a problem getting right. This idea sounds great. But not for all characters. Pick one character, like Rein or Zarya. Now what? Stun lock them and kill them forever? You’d just focus on tanks and make them useless.

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That’s why she’d get hit with a nerf nuke, if that change went through.