Should Sombra's Hack work more like the Discord Orb?

That’s why she’d get hit with a nerf nuke, if that change went through.

So you can shut down an ability reliant hero and make them useless for the entire game ? Yeah no.

If you’re going to say ‘‘they can just switch’’ that isn’t an option ,what is a tank going to switch to ? All tanks are ability reliant.


Seriously ,just make one thread to complain about it ,we get it ,reaper is trash ,but not every conversation needs to be about reaper ,jesus christ dude.

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that’s a big buff to hack. like you can practically erase a person’s presence in the game just by picking them out. like the game revolves around using a hero’s entire kit especially their abilities. and a lot of heroes are ability dependent. a few like widow, s76 will probably be okay but that’s too big of a buff imo

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Depends really on how easy it is to break. If merely breaking LoS cancles the effect it might be a bit of a nerf without that 1 second grace period Discord actually has. Also it could still require a hack time instead of being instant.

Not sure how to balance it properly but I just think it’s one of the things holding Sombra back in terms of dmg. All the time she spends hacking (or trying to hack before getting interrupted) means she’s not doing dmg. Often your enemy would of just been dead if you shot them in the back instead of trying to hack.

The other option is perhaps to let you hack and fire at the same time?

good points. but without actually testing it i can’t really say for sure. it can still be pretty op or maybe it could be balanced.

tbh i’d prefer if teammates had better visuals when an enemy as hacked. that and maybe tighten sombra’s pellet spread or add another effect to opportunist that gives sombra a bit of a damage boost when attacking hacked enemies.

i think the problem with sombra is she can rarely make use of her own hacks. ideally you’d try to hack from a safe distance but her spread is too big. try to hack close and you risk being canceled those kind of stuff

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Yeah for a team based game Blizzard hasn’t really done much to help you work together. I mean LFG took ages to come out lol. But yeah your allies not seeing who’s hacked easier is annoying. Kind of like I always felt it would be nice if your team could see where you placed your turrets as Sym and Torb. At least they let you see Sym’s new teleporter.

Wonder if it would be OP to let every one see who’s hacked sort of like sonic arrow effect. They glow purple or something really obvious, perhaps through walls as long as Sombra herself has LoS? Call it a passive ability, something like Upload. Where anything Sombra see’s her allies can see lol.

i don’t think the dev’s gonna let that happen. after all the opportunist passive kinda leans towards you calling out enemies for your team. but yeah the hack visuals is annoying like the hack swirl thing is red right? or something like that and if the enemy has a skin of similar hues it’s really hard to know.

wouldn see any problems i really would like to see that most for Tracer a hard counter for Tracer that makes her to switch is what i want

too strong.

Zen’s works as logn as he sees target…given he is a support and likely to be at a logn range you can go arodu na wall and get rid of it.

Sombra…is melee ish range and would literally follow you and it would NEVER drop.

Sorry that I didn’t where accurate at 100% I rounded up so its easier to understand But if you want (these are the average numbers according to overbuff):

  • Reaper does have 1.56 times more dmg overall then Sombra

  • Reaper is 3.68 times more picked then Sombra in Comp

  • Reapers Winrate is still at stable 50% Sombras is as random as a slot machine

  • Reaper has 1.22 times more kills then Sombra

  • Reaper can cancel Sombras hack and Stealth AND TRANSLOCATOR from more than 20m away (yes her can)

  • Reapers hitbox is between Sombra’s and Doomfist’s not nearly at Baston’s (still true)

  • Reaper is not near as buggy as Sombra: (also still true)

Yea Reaper right now is not Strong but it’s obvious why he is hard countered by Widow and Hanzo and they are both meta that also keeps Sombra out of it but if the meta changes Reaper will get meta because he is a reliable consistent hero that can to his job sure his Shadow step could use some SMALL QoL changes (maybe not be able to crit while Shadow stepping?) but that’s all that he needs to be a balanced Hero. Sombra, on the other hand, is a low dmg inconsistent and unreliable hero that gets easily shut down by any other DPS player that’s at the same skill level as the Sombra player.

And I don’t see the problem with my math just because is rounded to make it easy? and my rounding was correct!

Agreed Sombra’s hack is strong enough it just needs better consistency!

i wonder if swapping it from a channeled “beam” to a tossed device that did a mini emp (after a delay) owuld help and not be too strong.

would allow her to use it and then attack and gives enemy time to react and get out of the radius quickly.

Intersting something I never heard but I don’t think she needs that big of a change 4 Small changes would be enough

  • bug fixes

  • Base speed increase

  • A threshold to Stealth and hack

  • Add a sugar skull over hacked enemies

My predictions on why and how this should implemented are in one of my older posts: The 4-Step plan to buff Sombra (Facts and Opinions)

the problem ppl have with stealth/hack is reaction to it and reliability.

idk if there can be a easy one where both sides are happy. why i thought a non channeled form might help as it lets enemy be able to react w/o needing to shoot her, and lets her attack them andn ot have wait for hack.

also makign it a small radius emp (im talking like as small as pulsebomb or less) would give her a larger niche in she could shut down stuff like turrets behind shields, disable a healer and tank who are tightly packed, etc. (basically make enemy have to think more if enemy has her )

as to the last bit…idk why that isnt already a thing. Should notify your team to who is vulnerable so they know who to target.

I’m ok with hard counters existing, but the danger of an everlasting hack would extend to a large portion of the roster, if not all of the roster. It makes too many characters unplayable. I’m fine with hard counters, but simply their presence in the game shouldn’t make any character “unplayable”.

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they’d probably have to nerf hack real hard if it was applied like discord orb is. discord doesn’t shut out your abilities or cancel your mobility like hack does.

So there is one huge desine problem with Sombra namly she needs a good cordinated team to be effective but she also need a not coordinated team as a enemy but you normaly cant have both because if you play solo your team will probably not be coordiated enough if you play in a group the enemys will be coordinated.
Sombra counters many Heros thats why she is for many a annoying Hero to play against but she only counters them when the team can follow up accualy alone she only counters 2 heros thats doomfist and zen the only one that she accualy can kill. Stylosa once sad the perfect sentece regarding Hack: “Every other DPS hero has a better ability than hack and thats Killing” and its true (we see that in the currend meta where this problem got worked around with 3 supports Hack rein means nothing if you can’t kill him) hack is nothing aslong you can’t follow up but the huge inconsistancy of hack because of the 1 dmg cancle and the bugs don’t allow that.

In short right now Teamplay with Sombra is unnessasaraly hard and with a good team playing against her is a “piece of cake” she only is annoying when the teamplay is bad.

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This isn’t a Reaper thread, go find one if you really feel like complaining about him today