Should role-lock be removed?

If it were a viable strategy that didn’t get destroyed by 2-2-2 95% of the time then it would be fine, but tanks are ridiculously overpowered and healing against no healing is basically a free win.

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That’s kind of the problem, you had no say on what teams actually got.

They could place 5 mercy mains in one team while the other team would have balanced heroes spread, closely resembling 2-2-2

Basically high ranks/OWL Games so awfully balanced that if u remove role lock today they will run 3-3 comps again.

This is your experience, but its not that way for most people. That is one of the reasons they made the system, we were tired of 4 plus dps.

I cant blame you for thinking that way based on your experience but for a lot of people its not an exaggeration, that is how it was and how it still is if they go to open que.

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OQ is the future of this game’s survival. Let the kiddies have their RQ, but balance the future of the game around OQ.

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I’ve asked you before but why don’t you share 10 replays of your Open Q games?

I think it’s because you know it’s an exaggeration and a falsehood.

I see the usage data in the statement above- the 50 players one hour a day each

I do not see the popularity/preference data in the statement above

I have already explained why usage data and popularity/preference data is entirely different and is collected in completely different ways

I have also explained how all of the sets of data presented thus far have been either invalid in their entirety or invalid in the context being used

not at all

my points and reasoning have remained the same during the entirety of the time 222 has infested the game

pointing out the use of invalid data and/or te use of valid data for an invalid purpose is nothing remotely like a technicality

to be clear: there is no trolling or misunderstanding of what is real on my part

I find the accusations of trolling to be both rude and highly inappropriate and ask that they cease immediately

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the game was played by many folks before 222 infested the game

role-less queue matches are being played now without any involvement with 222

if the game is unplayable without 222, these millions upon milllions upon millions of matches never could have occurred

that said, I find the quality of matches to be much much better in role-less queue mode than in 222. I greatly prefer the freedom of role-less queue mode over the excessive wait times, stale metas, and many other severe problems in 222

the devs have already made it clear that - despite how very many times the 4-5-6 dps story is told - that such matches were (and still are) rarities

that said, I have seen far far far too many 222 teams get beat by non-222 teams to ever believe that 222 is somehow magically superior to other team compositions

this really only occurs when someone on the team decides the match is lost before it is even played


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No need to be a smartass. Clearly you could still turn on the game and hit queue, but the matches were often very awful. I played thousands upon thousands of those matches. At least a third of them were awful thanks to terrible hero choices right out of the gate. I don’t need to devs to tell me when I can see with my own eyes in great numbers thanks to how much I played.

They also lie about a lot of things like how rules are enforced and that it isn’t all just automated by player reports. I don’t trust a single thing they say as they will do anything to paint themselves in a good light.

no. Go play open queue if you want

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some clarifications

  1. there was no attempt on my part to do so
  2. none of my statements fit this description
  3. there was no reason to make such an accusation

the only “awful” matches I have experienced in either mode were due to either toxicity, a bad matchmaking scenario leading to a stomp, or a combination of both.

None of this is confined to role-less queue…it exists in 222 as well to the same degree and regulaity

as such, I have no idea why the statement above attempts to claim that this occurred/occurs in role-less queue matches only

First, the right to choose any available character is (or was) provided to all players, not just you. This means that each player, in accepting their own right to such choices, also explicitly accepts that other players on the team have the same right. This in turn also means that each player implicitly accepts that the choices made by other players are solely theirs to make, and there should as such be no complaints. Any player expecting others to pick as they wish them to pick has expectations that exceed the promises the game provides

Second, the choices of other players are never innately awful. Every character is (and always has been) capable of carrying their 16.6% load or more. The fact that one player deems the choice bad doesnt then mean it is actually bad.

Third, a teammate choosing a character that one deems unsuitable may actually be the character that the teammate plays best of all possible choices, such that if they chose a character one does deem fit, their performance might be considerably less impactful, leadign to a greater chance of a loss

as such, I consider such pre-determinations by players before the game even starts as unreasonable at best

Your view is understood, but I see no reason to distrust the devs in this case

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The devs have also made clear that Role Q is the more popular mode:

But that obviously only counts as long as they agree with you, even if the statement you refer to isn’t backed up with any data whatsoever and should therefore be considered “invalid” according to your own standards :wink:

I will assume for the moment and for sake of argument that this is a statement from the devs, despite the fact that the quoteblock above does not include the source of said quote

the devs clearly based this set of statements on the single day usage data provided about a year and a half ago in conjunction with this statements

they are speaking of usage while mis-using the word “popular”/“popularity” in this sense

I don’t blame them…many folks use one word when another word should have been used to convey the intended fact(s) or meaning…and these two are frequently mis-used in this sort of situation

to clarify: I have stated before (many times) and will state here and now again: my personal stance(s) have absolutely nothing to do with whether data is valid or invalid. Data is valid or invalid on its own merits

I have no idea what statement of mine is being referred to here

I ask that you provide me with a link to the statement in question here, or alternately provide me with a “in your own words” statement of what I said as a point of reference.

The latter isn’t as useful, but at least will give me an idea of what you are speaking of, so that I can in turn address it

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It’s from the Competitive Open Queue Developer Update in which they announced that they decided to make Competitive Open Queue a permanent mode again. It was published about one month after the first Competitive Open Queue patch.

The usage data was published independent of the dev update in question, so this is pure speculation on your part.

Since the devs always have easy access to up-to-date data I would say it is very unlikely that they base such a statement on outdated data from several weeks ago.

It would make way more sense to refer to the average data for the whole time window between the release of Competitive Open Queue and the creation of the dev update video.

Again, speculation on your part.
The devs don’t only have access to usage data that shows how much a mode is played, but also to the data about how many individual players play a certain mode.

This one:

I assumed that you referred to the post where Jeff said that this is the case - without backing it up with any data on how often it actually happened.

If I am mistaken feel free to point me to the right source.

Its like asking me to take photos of grass to prove that its green. We know its true, that is why RQ exist, its not my problem that you are so deep in denial and cant get over it.

Yet all of the evidence points to it not being true.

I have posted my placements and many many replays that show it is false as well as videos.

Baja has done the same - I believe each and every season.

You are too scared to do this as you know it will prove you wrong.

I find this especially funny as you are someone who has requested the same of others to prove that they had encountered smurfs. So why the double standard?

When it comes to you proof is not necessary?

RQ exists for a multitude of supposed reasons, although exactly what the developers motivations were primarily are not fully clear.

In the role queue developer update they stated that one of the reasons they implemented it was because people will swap to heroes that they are bad at in order to “fill”.

Another reason given was that the way we play the game has changed although this was not fully elaborated upon.

There was certainly a vocal part of the community as well as content creators who strongly advocated for it.

You are being a smartass by claiming that you could literally still play the game after I claimed that 5 dps games were unplayable. Yes clearly it is still “playable”, but it is highly undesirable.

Also I disagree with your entire sentiment here that every heroes is somehow balanced one to one. That notion is absurd. Just picking 3-4 tanks is obviously the most superior strategy if available as they are very overpowered compared to the other categories.

I get the impression that you never played the game during this era.

False. The fact that we have RQ proves you wrong.

Why would I be scared rofl, you are arguing against reality itself, this is the equivalent of flat earth. I dont need to do anything, we all know its true and we mostly facepalm at people who say otherwise.

No such thing as its a different situation. We KNOW that what I say is fact, RQ is the living proof of it, I have nothing to do, it has already been established. You are the one arguing that the grass is red.

Real reasons.

Their motivations are as clear as the video where they explain it. You are in deep denial, RQ is not going anywhere brother, Im sorry you cant get over this.

So if I do my open queue placements and share the replays with you and they show that I’m right would you be willing to change your mind? Or are you going to bury your head in the sand and ignore plain and clear evidence?

As I already stated, we know that what I say is the truth. You can play 30 matches and pick a couple where it doesnt happen and claim you are right, and I could do the exact same thing. Not that I need to, I have already been proven right by RQ.