Should Roadhog get his healing cloud back instead of the damage buff?

First, this isn’t a Roadhog is op nerf him thread. I just want to see if u guys think he should’ve gotten his healing cloud back that was on the experimental instead of the damage buff. Or should he have both?


thank you, i created this topic before here

but no one visited :stuck_out_tongue: pretty much i love his damage however a lot of people hate it, still think its not that difficult to counter however i would take 1-3-2 hog if it could get the people who complain to shut up for 3 seconds :stuck_out_tongue: but then they would be complaining that hog is making it impossible to kill anything so you cant win with these people

no way he should have his current damage with his healing/damage resist cloud, he should have his old damage from last patch, his current hook/hook from last patch(not the 6 second hook) and the damage resist and healing cloud from 1-3-2 maybe some of the cloud’s numbers might need some changing here and there but that is the hog i would go with


I don’t Complain about Roadhog, but Roadhogs itself is very Powerful when it is in 1VS1, just don’t do 1VS1. Roadhogs have a lot Counters and easily to Counter him. Also Before this Buff, he can Oneshot Almost all Heroes Except Ana.

Also Roadhog Before this Buff, he was Tier F, and very Low Pickrate for very Long Times compare to other Tanks, that why you don’t see many High Rank like Master or Grandmaster Pick him… Also I think he should have Both.

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Heck no

It was a good idea on paper, but a terrible one in practice. Entirely defeats the point of his kit, and he’d still feed massively

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1 vs 1’s are very difficult against roadhog lucky this game isnt a 1 vs 1 game

I think it’s definitely worth trying again on experimental, would make him even more unique & helpful to his team overall…

Does anyone remember what other changes he got during 1-3-2?

If they were horrible, maybe he can keep his current state but just add the healing cloud? Wouldn’t hurt to try at least