Should one tricking be a bannable offence in Ranked?

The point of ranked is to work as a team to move up the ladder and win the game. if you refuse to help the team by staying on sym when they hard counter you, then should you be banned for gameplay sabotage?

Regardless what your one trick hero is, if it hinders the teams chance of winning because you refuse to switch, should you be penalized?




100% Yes

20 characters


There’s kinda a grey area, like if somebody has a million hours on Symm that itself isn’t bannable. But if they don’t switch then it’s kinda bordering on reportable. Like you can one-trick Sym but switch off to something like Zarya, and you can’t play Zarya then you’re just a bad player and that isn’t reportable. However, not communicating with your team and refusing to switch? Yeah that’s pretty bad


I would like to get a large poll sample and release the results in a week or so and see what the majority of people think.


I feel like the majority would say “yes” with the major exception being from one-tricks themselves


The answer is no. They’re not purposely throwing, and if them being a one-trick is as detrimental as you believe, they will soon fall down the ranks.


The game/characters are designed around switching. You build strategies based on what the enemy team has chosen and give yourself an edge against them. Jeff said in one of the developer updates that maining/one-tricking isn’t bad but that players should learn to play other heroes as well.

With that being said, I would agree that locking a single hero and refusing to switch is an element of toxicity and general bad gameplay. If the Devs didn’t allow you to switch in the middle of a game, that would be a different story altogether. There’s no point in sticking with a single hero in a game that lends itself to rock-paper-scissors level of countering.

Try some new things and broaden yourselves. You’d be surprised how much fun other heroes can be.


Pretty much.

I play as a flex but find one tricks quite disruptive to a match. Its one thing if they’re trying but then it gets pretty obvious if they’re just playing subpar by choice and not even giving the enemy the benefit of a decent struggle.

Its considered poor teamwork by most of the community and even more evident is ignoring teammates whe they try to construct a composition to counter the enemy but are one hero off.


If one trick is bannable, then having a bad game/performance should also be bannable, as your not doing the 100% you “should be” to help your team win.

So that means were now all banned, as everyone has bad games, GG


no, if i get a torb one trick i encourage them to play torb because that is there best hero same goes with any one trick


Its not, and Blizz already said it won’t. It shouldn’t be either.


I’m not a onetrick and i would vote no. If they do as badly as people think, the system will get them down. If it doesn’t, then maybe they’re not actually the problem, they’re just the scapegoat for the team.


Exactly, in terms of composition I think Symmetra is the worst for that. Makes team building tricky since you don’t know what that person will switch to if Sym doesn’t work (if they even switch at all). It puts the team in this awkward position where they don’t know if they should run 2 heals or put Sym in the team’s support role

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One tricking is a choice. Having an off-day is not.

One tricking is selfish and goes against the spirit of the game. You handicap your teammates for your own selfish reasons and you are a bad teammate for it.


In Blizzard’s ideal, perfect game (which they seem to be getting farther away from) all heroes would be viable to play in the game and playing specifically one hero would not be detrimental to a team (i.e. it would be fine to play only one hero because they would usually be viable in most circumstances). I think most players use one-tricks as a scapegoat for their losses, but the truth is, they’re at that rank as a one trick because they’ve proven that they can play AT THAT RANK AS A ONE TRICK. As much as it sucks, work with their hero (play a shield tank with a torb) and for good lord baby jesus’ sake, don’t blame them for a potential loss.


Prepare yourself for the Sym one trick hate and plenty of “Well I have a 60% win rate with her”

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Its your fauilt for having an off-day, no one elses, no one else is in control of your own actions but you aftererall.

Playing badly is selfish and goes against the spirit of the game. You handicap your teammates for your own selfish reasons and you are a bad teammate for it.

Sarcasm aside, sure hun, I am an awful teammate, that must be why ive been GM for 5 seasons, and are currently sitting at a 62% winrate, I just drag all my teams down.

Correct me if im wrong but Im pretty sure all OW cummnity members want is winning, and, looking purely at the stats, I tend to be quite good at helping them do that, better then many others I might dare say even.

But hey, gotta blame someone for not been the rank you should be amirite?


I mean one tricking is prevented bt two clicks of a mouse.

Show that to your team and I promise you that they will give you less hassle for it because it shows you were trying in their eyes. Its just that you do not have the experience to handle the current situation.

I use this to one life to kinda excuse me and if its not working out still I switch back to the hero I’m comfortable with. Instead of well victimizing myself or others because ten seconds of a single run will somehow kill me.

Cream is fine. I will vouch with her eith my Sym and 80% winrate.

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