Should moira be reworked?

If you think the flankers hate Moira you wait till they do that to.

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Every other hero in the game (apart from Ashe) just has to press R and gets a full clip (unless they have unlimited ammo…)

Moira and Ashe already have the longest reload times lmao. And if the Enemy has a shield and you’re unable to right click (which btw so many teams have a shield btw) it will take longer to regenerate your healing if you ran out… now could you imagine if Moira just pressed R to reload her healing resource in 1 second?

So this “Moira is so easy” concept is thrown around way too much. Moira has unlimited ammo just like many other heroes on her damage, but her healing resource is the slowest in game.

Also no other healer has voice lines that tell her own team “not yet” etc when they ran out of healing because their healing is infinite or can be reloaded by pressing R.

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Honestly, I still would like to see a form of damage drop-off on the drain more than anything else. The health regen, the pool regen all stay the same just a drop down in damage past 10m so at say 20m she would only do maybe 30 DPS at full distance, still enough to deter divers, etc.

it’s 20m and 50 DPS.

Zarya is 95 DPS and 15m and can do a maximum of 170

Sym 12m starts off at 60, but very quickly gets up to 195 (right? i think it’s 195)

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Controvercial take;

High mobility is easy to use, therefor anti-mobility should be easy to use.


that would be broken. The part of moira’s skillset that I enjoyed was her micromanagement. You would have to THINK about your usage of heals, you couldn’t just dump it all out, you’d have to be smart. Put a little piss here, a little there. You’d have to think about using LMB or orb. Why take away the one part that makes her unique?
She also has the biggest clip in the game besides Bastion and Orisa, so the “reload time” argument doesn’t make much sense.

Exactly, that is why Moira has a healing resource and why it takes much longer to charge.

Also that “biggest clip” in the game takes full meter to heal a DVA from 1 to max health… lol

Right - I am saying 50 DPS to 10m, then a standard drop-off down to 20m with 30 DPS. It would cut her damage and elims down a bit to be more inline with other supports, but still allow her to continue her role as anti-diver and primary healer.

So you want Moira to just feed ultimate to the enemy team non-stop? okay.

Why should other heroes get to do so much more damage than moira with longer range?

She is a DPS healer. ITS HER UTILITY. It’s whgy she has no team utility, she makes up for it in chip damage


No - but I think she can still do the role of deterrence as an anti-flanker. The reason I say this is Brig for instance often can’t kill an enemy at that kind of range, but can still dissuade them from engaging. I’m looking for a similar solution with Moira that doesn’t break her style.


yes because 30 damage per second is really going to beat the flanker zzzzzzz

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…I know this. She isn’t meant to be a single target healer. She’s supposed to be an AoE support who starts and ends fights quick. And if your is at 1hp, she’ll have lost her mech. And you should have orb to keep her up so that’s less pressure on your resource. And time management between your primary and alt fires. You want her to stay easy in her current state. I want her to be harder from an intelligence standpoint, but higher max output if you can do it.

Actually that is Ana? she ends fights quick with her anti-nade which is why her healing output on Overbuff shows much lower than some other healers.

Moira on the other hand actually prolongs fights with her healing, it’s her whole purpose. They said her utility is survival…

Guess who counters this hero who prolongs fights with their healing? Ana. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s why so many people call Moira a throw pick, because Ana is so much better in every way - nice heals, nice ultimate which helps the team, huge utility in grenade. And this will always be the case most of the time. Unless they for some bizarre reason nerf ana into the ground (which i hope never happens btw as I actually find her fun to play against, it pushes my bounderies)

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Oh yeah, but it’s give and take right?

I actually totally agree. I hate the argument that it should be hard to counter Genji/tracer because they have a high skill floor when the things that make them hard to kill are very low skill floor things.

Having a small hitbox and moving fast is an element of the hero, not the players skill.


Yeah sure, moira NOW is about prolonging a fight. But in her highest skill - and meta BEST role - it was about finishing a fight quick so her heals didn’t run out. Ana isn’t about quick fights, it’s about sustaining frontline long enough to find an OPPORTUNITY to hit a sick nade or sleep, then finishing a fight there.

Beyond hated refers to Doomfist. Moira might be annoying but nothing compares to the hate playing against the most broken hero of them all; Doomfist.

Uhm it was always the case. Survival was always her utility. Moira is usually the last one alive also at the end of a team fight if she loses.

the devs stated this before too that her utility is survival, if she had no survival then she would be really bad hero.

Much like her DPS counterpart Reaper she can life steal and fade out of ultimates, she created him, and she made herself basically a “much better” version of him, just instead of high damage she has nice healing.

Afterall, she is and has been his healer for over a decade :mag: :male_detective:


if survival was her main utility, why was she played with multi tank when all she did was sit next to the tanks? Fade wasn’t that important, it was about pumping people full of piss as much as possible. Then fading IF she somehow got out of position, but that was rare. The skill should be in resource management, even if the utility is in fade. I think the dev’s intentions aren’t really something we should look at when looking at Overwatch, since they originally intended for 1 tank and 1 healer.

Are you talking about a short lived 4 tank meta from like 2018? lol which was mainly only ran on LHC? it’s 2020 now…

If you’re talking about goats, then the healers for goats were brig, zen and lucio

Also, Moira is a brawler/melee healer of course she’s going to be good with heroes that don’t have much movement abilities.


Zen was played in goats mirrors. Like how Ana is played now in rein mirrors. Against high damage comps that aren’t the meta 6, Moira is better. She’s just worse in mirrors. Moira in GOATs was about keeping the team alive through spam damage, watch ANY team vs chengdu in 2019. Moira now is more about fade yes, but that’s just because there is no more multi tank.