Should I quit? Unable to Rank up

I’ve been playing comp for over 100 hours but I’m still stuck in silver. I’ve tried coaching and analysing my matches but I can hardly break into gold, and as soon as I do I get thrown back into the 1900’s. I get called trash constantly for being silver and I can hardly play Rein (my main) despite having spent 46 hours of my life playing him. I can’t even play with friends anymore due to rank diff which leaves me to play comp alone getting endlessly frustrated at my lack of progression. Should I just quit the game? My friends still play it but I can’t even play with them and I keep getting extremely upset with myself and my lack of anything that could remotely be considered as skill. will I ever actually rank up? Or should I just stop playing entirely


Perhaps I could give you some hope. I have played this game for 1400 hours, am mostly ranked bronze, and typically solo queue.

If there is any advice I’m able to give - stop worrying what other people think and just play the game.

Have fun.

If you’re not having fun then it’s probably time to stop.


Your not trying hard enough.

Honestly I would quit now, I’ve been trying to quit for awhile but the hooks are deep.

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It’s funny that, I find I get in a flow state when I stop trying hard and play better. You can certainly try too hard, I think that’s also why some people tilt.

No, you should not give up, ask for coaching again. What was the result of your last coaching attempt? Were you given things to improve? Did you improve it and fixed the mistakes you were doing?

Dont be upset, there is no shame to be in silver, dont think about it too much, just focus on own improvement and enjoy the good games in comp.

Called by whom? They are in same rank as you, if you are trash by their standards, they are too. Dont let others to get under your skin so easily.


Do you enjoy it? If so keep playing. You could try a new account. I destroyed one of my accounts by playing with my kids - who were not very good at that stage. I now have a ‘Play with the kids account’ serious play account and a ‘try new things account’ which i don’t care about. I think if you serious about ranking, keeping one account for that and another just to play on without pressure is a good idea.


If you dont enjoy your time with the game there’s no reasonable justification for playing it. That doesn’t stop people from playing it way longer than they should tho.

Try to shift your focus from your rank to each game you play. If you still aren’t enjoying it why not play something you will? If it’s just for the friend connection you could get one to stream on discord when they play if they’re using that. It’s not as weird as it sounds haha

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Who bothers with coaching in a rigged system?

That’s like asking for advice on counting cards at a casino. Yes you can win/rankup but so what? It’s rigged. Imagine working so hard for nice looking pixels. SR doesn’t track skill, it tracks a no-reset winrate in a rigged 50/50 system - aka surprisal and variation decoupling - statistical terms that are above your paygrade.

I’d rather spend the time coding AI that can beat top humans without breaking a sweat.

Best advice is to not care about rank ever.
It means nothing if it’s rigged.


hey im bronze but im totally down to play with you i float around 1200 and 1300 but im trying to get to silver, up to you though, im scout 11781

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thats just simple math…


I broke out of silver after 150hrs many ages ago. I am now diamond tank 4/6 accounts.
Diamond support 3/6
Plat dps 6/6…it just takes time.

Rein is the worst char to climb with. He mostly carries by functioning as support to the off tank. But below plat the off tank zaryas cannot get energy.

If you must play main tank play ball.
Else learn zarya until you can get 100 energy in 3 bubbles every time. Then work on kills.

Rein has no carry potential in low ranks unless you can understand all of your teammates’ decisions and the flow of the fight. It’s not worth it

One of the biggest problems players have playing any competitive game is they play the game on autopilot and therefore will always play the same way every game. This game doesn’t reward you for playing hours it rewards you for actually trying to get better.


i remember 1900s elo being very tryhard. all they want is to leave the silver hole. you gotta be more agressive there. or perhaps you should just quit ranked and just do qp until you feel like being ready. thats what i did.though. i touched ranked at lvl 350 after dropping my elo to bronze in early levels.
and try to use the stay as group thing when you had a good team


Here’s your issue.

This isn’t a long time at all. Devoted players of this game (especially during lockdown with job losses etc) will be playing upwards of 20 hours a week.

I’ve seen people with over 1000 hours still stuck in silver.

If you always review your games, realise your mistakes, and keep practicing, you WILL rank up. I was very low silver when I first started playing this game (and that was back in 2016), if I joined this year, I would probably have placed bottom 500. And while I’m not insane, I did manage to progressively climb from Silver to Masters before role queue, and I’m now consistently mid-high Dia on my main role, dps.

If you want to climb, you can. :smiley:

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Course not. Don’t give up. There is always something to improve at. And you can get better. A year ago a silver ranked me thought the same, now I’m diamond in all 3 roles. You can do it.

And don’t feel discouraged. There is very little in this game that helps you improve as a player.

Yeah but without a reset, seasons feeling the same, smurfs/burners, and ofc mmr rigging - people are just ded inside. Why bother with improvement 4+ years into the same lowpop ded.

It’s a game not a job.


this is good advice!

i should note I’ve played years and am still crap, i find a lot of fun in MH and play comp every now and again to get a laugh a people that think you are the worst person on earth, yet I know they wouldn’t be paired with me if it was not the same situation for them.

Team comp is amusing for the most part, just don’t let it get you and call out what you need to.

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I see you main Rein
Tip: Don’t charge in like an idiot
Hold your shield thank you
Ult when the enemies’ shields are broken so your shatter won’t be
Don’t go aggressive, when HAMMERING stay close to your team unless
you got nano’d
Don’t blame, it will make salty people worse

Hey I’m not much higher than you as I’m gold but I can give you a few pointers because I was able to climb out of silver solo queueing. Also Rein is super hard to climb out of lower elo.