Should I quit? Unable to Rank up

Put a replay code up for a game you think you did well on. Im sure people will give you advice on what you could do to improve. I mean im sure youll get bad advice as well and maybe people being jerks just cause but youll probably also get good solid advice on how to improve your games.

isn’t counting cards just like straight out cheating

lol 100 hours and ‘‘still’’ stuck in silver. I’ve seen ppl with like 1-10k hours still in bronze lol

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As a main sup (master) what u are describing here is actually the worst rein playstile : passiv, holding shield, not creating space -> useless
It’s littérally ur job to be Aggro with rein. If u don’t push ennemy team, don’t hammer them u don’t creat space for your team to work with u might as well just be afk
Just holding shield like a coward will never make u win game. At best it will make you be carried. Rein gameplay is literally « push ur alpha male big d energy to the limits were u get punished for it, but don’t get punish » more close u play to that line better u are as a main tank/rein
But, I can understand that with bad healer u take bad habits to survive, just don’t play rein lower than plat if ur not sure your healer are good

Édit : but you are absolutely right on one thing
Don’t charge like dummies, just press w and walk forward, go corner to corner by holding M1

Your problem is more than likely tilt, given the level of frustration you’re expressing here. If you are a player who is prone to this, which, all of us are to some degree, you need to work to protect your calm, positive mindset. For example, if there is a player on your team who you think might be toxic, you need to mute them BEFORE they say something that’s going to make you angry. If you’ve just lost a game or two and are feeling a bit dejected, go have a snack before you queue up again.

Any sort of feelings of frustration or irritation will make you play differently (and almost always worse).

I see a lot of players, too, get into this mindset where they see something in the game they can blame things on and then they fixate on that until they lose and then rationalize it like they couldn’t have won anyway. These kinds of players are the hardest part of climbing out of silver in my experience. I recently got my DPS out of silver and the only games I lost were the ones where someone would either: A, single out a player on our team who’s hero choice they didn’t like and then accuse them of throwing and blame them for every lost fight. or B, accuse someone on the enemy team of smurfing (they weren’t. I’m a plat player on my other roles, the enemies they were accusing were not playing at that level) and then spend the rest of the game complaining about how unfair the matchmaking is. These things are tilt, too. Focusing on or talking about anything that doesn’t pertain to the present moment in the game, or the next fight, will cause you to play worse.

Also, the amount of time you have in the game isn’t that much. I’ve got friends with a lot more hours on their mains who are still in silver. Actually, I think I was still in silver at 100 hours… maybe even for a handful after that. A lot of people play this game and have been playing for a long time. You aren’t inherently bad at it or destined to be stuck. Just keep playing and looking for bad habits to break and things to improve upon.

This can discern what’s going on behind the scenes. MMR is a non-transparent metric that matchmaker uses in attempt to keep you at a 50% winrate.


This . A game is about YOU and YOUR experiences. No matter your choice, you need to prioritize what is fun but also, what keeps you happy.

Your happiness is not worth a $20-60 game. It’s just not.

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The problem with playing in Bronze is that it gets unfun when you learn more about how the game plays and people around you simply don’t have an interested in bettering themselves in those ways. They just want to run around and play OW like it’s some BR game. The game is not fun when played in that way.

Having to play competitive matches and deal with this, day after day, can become exasperating.

My advice to OP is that if they think they are better than Bronze, get a new account and it will play you higher. It’s easier and cheaper (time = money) to do that than it is to deal with the bronze players, and it’s certainly more fun.

I did that. I only see bronze on my oldest account that I keep around only because my other Battle . Net games are on there - so I play predominantly that account as most of my games are QP.

There is no hope for 90% of bronze players. They are bad, will continue to be bad, and will not improve beyond that rank.

If OW was your first FPS, chances are you can maintain a Silver or Gold rank without much issue, if you’ve been playing it for a while. In my case, my “account history” was basically acting like an anchor.

But I do play a lot of QP in bronze, cause switching accounts is a PITA. I never touch bronze comp anymore, though. Just placements, for the CPs. And players are probably even worse than they were a couple of years ago.

These frequent sales aren’t helping either, as many new casual players are being dumped into Bronze, making the games ever more unbearable.

It’s just a game. I don’t even care about winning. Bad games that result in wins aren’t any better than those that result in losses. The issue, for me, is more how these people play the game, and the fact that they aren’t really caring about improving. They’re always right. They’re always “carrying” and everyone else is always the problem.

If you have 50% winrate it’s normal if you are where you are supposed to be. The MM tries to make the matches 50% win chance for both team.

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None of that matters, everyone that is better then their rank climbs thats how the system works and it works well. Reset would do nothing but have you complain more that top 500’s are in your games

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Play to have fun and play comp for the try-hard experience.

Take it too much more seriously than that, and you’ll hate the game. The games are too inconsistent and Blizzard refuses to clean the toxic garbage.