Should D.Va get a 20% damage reduction as a new passive for her Mech?

But then you actually nerf instead of buffing her.
The hero isn’t really in a good spot in term of survive ability, so why nerfing her even more in the same situation…?

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Her damage is fine. She needs a Amor buff. Her mech is weak ATM. Is her Mech made of Metal or Legos?

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She needs 300 health 300 armor instead of what she has now.


Isn’t that basically just Hammond in ball form?

If you want to stop her from feeding so much ult charge – which makes sense, she is a battery – it would make sense to reduce her total health to 500 and give her 20% damage reduction for the same effective health but providing less ult.

Personally, as an advocate for more armor on D.Va, rather than taking from health and armor proportionately, I would take the reduction purely from her normal health, which would effectively make her more heavily armored at the same time.

Adding 20% damage reduction on top of the highest health hero in the game doesn’t make sense to me, even though I think D.Va needs buffs to be tankier. That’s an effective 720 health total, 240 of it as armor. That doesn’t seem like a good idea.

If D.Va uses her D.M. constantly for personal protection against normal attacks, it isn’t available for important things like eating firestrikes, 'nades, and dynamite, or protecting your squishies.

I agree it does make sense for hog, who is almost as good a battery as D.Va, with a similar caveat about reducing his original health to keep his effective total unchanged.

They should just remove crit multiplier on her mech, ball doesn’t have one for his mech, let baby dva have crit, not that mech.


Revert goats nerfs and Dva is probably OK again.

Why on earth…? No, not at all. D.Va herself probably isn’t the problem, it’s the current tank meta.

She should get a 25-40% “critical” damage reduction. That’s the issue, her critical hitbox is just too easy to hit.

Also restructure her health so it’s mostly armor, not health. It will both increase her survivability by a margine.

Given the past 2 times we gave a hero a stupid passive like that it went south I’m against it.

As a thought experiment, instead of just screaming “no” “no!” “Hell no!” like you usually do, how about taking a look at the fact she’s the least picked tank across all ranks, gold and up, realizing turning your head to the side might not be as powerful an advantage as you think it is, and offering a solution that keeps her as “hard” as you want her to be but still helps her out?

Look, positing that all of this was free of exaggeration you do realize that the game has changed right? Burst damage is a lot more prevalent than it was back when DVA last had more armor, the amount of damage flying around in general has gone up and the number of ultimates she can’t eat has also gone up. If you want something to think about, how many post-launch heroes have an ultimate that DM can eat outright? Now how many don’t?

I don’t know if you are capable of looking past your old grudges or to appreciate that things change but you know, I’m gonna try to give you the benefit of the doubt. For the record I also think a flat 20% reduction is a bad idea.


I’d mostly like to see D.Va’s DM get buffed back up; she has always been squishy, but in the past she’s been able to keep herself in mech via careful use of her defense matrix, with the counterside being that she was easily punished if she miscalculated her DM resource. Now, her defense matrix simply doesn’t do enough no matter how careful you are, so you skip straight to the “easily punished” part every time. That’s a feelsbadman.

There should be no need to use it constantly if you’re playing with a Rein, Sigma, or Orisa though. I know she can’t always do much by hanging around them, but makes for an excellent bodyguard on maps with lots of highground like Hollywood or Rialto.

In those situations and compositions, can afford to use it for self defense more often.

Also, while the perk would only make sense for Roadhog in ny opinion, I don’t believe he needs that sort of thing either. Roadhog does have the ability to reduce how much ult charge he feeds as is by healing preemptive to the primary chunk of damage coming in.

I agree. I made this thread i didn’t even like the idea LOL

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D.Va’s issue is that DM doesn’t outright have a buff that makes the enemy stop shooting into it. You can shoot into DM all day, with the only consequence being having to reload. Not the case with genji, zarya, or sigma. Obviously abilities and ultimate are different, but I have to say this or someone will come at me about it.

D.Va should get more DM uptime for absorbing shots. Something to make you respect DM. Not having any respect for DM is why D.Va is so bad. Then, she gets booped around, and the screen goes black when she looses mech, and remechs. She really doesn’t do all that much damage.

The best thing you can do is eat everything you can, and get picks with the ult, or you’re not doing anything but feeding the enemy team ult charge. Fix the disorienting boops, and the enemy team having no respect for DM except when they’re ulting, and D.Va is fixed.

She doesn’t need a damage reduction. If DM worked properly, D.Va would take less damage.

As a though experiment, try to refute my points without defamation attempts buddy. I have to say "good try" though because if there is something that I am known here is for 2 things:

  • Giving evidence/logic behind ANY stance I post
  • Debunking urban legends/beliefs that people seem to have that contradict reality.

Literally my post is made in a certain order and you had to deconstruct it in a very dishonest way to make it seem that all I said was an emotional, baseless : “Hell no”.

Theres no exaggerations here buddy, I am not arguing about DM being better or worse or getting more or less value than 2016 so dont go so hardcore on a strawman ok?

Second: The more prevalent burst is, the BETTER DM value you get. So congratulations on destroying your own point. Sure it takes more skill to use, so Dva pickrate is going to significantly drop below GM but thats how it is. Its not like she magically is worse, the main issue is that she doesnt have brutal sinergies with anything besides Winston and guess what, Winston does have more room to “combo” with than her.

You are not giving any benefit of the doubt here when you clearly accuse someone of being biased by trying to defame me throwing claims like: "saying no no no, hell no is what I usually do" and also that I have “old grudges” here. Both of them with ZERO base/evidence.

What I find funny is that you felt like you needed to deconstruct my post, twist my words and throw “daggers” for no reason at all, (never attacked you but clearly you seem to be offended by me posting my opinion and justifying it) just to ultimately admit that what I am saying is 100% correct : A flat 20% damage reduction is a bad idea.

Do you want to open a new thread about any other change for Dva that doesnt imply a damage taken reduction? Go ahead. For this one? What I said stays, unrefuted, proven true:

DM is already busted, you should NOT make her easier (with a passive change) under ANY circumstances.

Yeah man, DM so busted the hero it is on is the worst tank in the game, worse than tanks that have no defenses.
It’s almost like…DM is not actually busted and D.Va needs buffs.

Its funny, because the hero is literally the same as many months ago (6 to be more precise) where she had a good pick rate.
Its almost like … everything I said was 100% correct and because a hero has a low pickrate, doesnt mean the hero is magically worse. Just the game shifted into a Barrierwatch and that is the reason.

But the keywords to your post is “almost”. Agree, yep.

She didn’t have a good pickrate six months ago, except in one tier, where she was equal to Zarya. And Zarya had better stats all around, especially winrate. You know, one of the most important stats. Another thing where D.Va is the worst tank.
D.Va was already trash six months ago, she was simply over-used, because GM thought she was good, when in fact, she really wasn’t. They tanked their rank and winrate using her, and that’s a fact.

Double Barrier isn’t the reason why D.Va is bad right now. D.Va has been bad ever since Dive died, but she still filled a niche as long as you could have a third tank. Since then ? Absolutely useless, just use Zarya or Sigma and do more with less effort.

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A thing like Kingpin from Payday 2 would be cool, give some damage resistance for a certain amount of seconds, except not heavily broken like Kingpin is in Payday 2.

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