Short: Why is everyone so against soldier being gay

Lol, I’m uncomfortable with homosexuality? That’s what you got from my post?

Philosophically, it’s important to practice empathy if you want to garner acceptance. Being unwilling or unable to do so destroys dialogue. If you can’t accept that some people might not like “surprise” gay characters, then you have to be willing to accept that you’re going to see a lot of resistance.

I have some friends I have to run away and inform I’m homophobic. They’ll love this at Stallions.


You literally admitted to it, and your defense is basically the equivalent of “I can’t be racist! I have a friend who’s black!” Yeah, okay.

You’re saying the burden of being empathetic is on the homosexual to be sensitive to the fact they may be hated, but not on the person doing the hating? Think about that for two seconds. This is the logical equivalent of victim blaming.


I’m saying the burden is on the person who is stepping outside of societal norms. That does not and never did mean they don’t deserve respect, it means they have to understand themselves and where their reality places them in social structures. If you want people to understand the new and different, you help them. You don’t try to make them.

Don’t you dare try to belittle me or my lifestyle because you want to virtue signal from your basement. You went from someone who was poorly informed but well-intentioned, to someone who is just a bad person.

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They don’t have the option not to be “outside societal norms”. They’re gay. That’s it. “Outside societal norms” is their default setting and there’s nothing they can do about it. It makes exactly zero sense to say it’s their fault people hate them, and it makes exactly zero sense to say that hate should be dignified, much less respected. Nobody’s forcing anybody to like them, they just want to be treated like normal people… Because they are normal people.

Who said anything about belittling you or your lifestyle? Do you mean when I asked you to think for two seconds? You’re the one so ardently arguing for why gay people should just stay in the closet. To accuse the other of that which you are actively guilty is akin to admitting defeat. Tu quoque.


Uhm, it was planned for at least two years. Look closely at the Reflections comic.

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This. You can say “oh they hinted at someone else being gay two years ago”, doesn’t matter. 76 was an established character with an established back story, and just throwing out that he is gay now smacks of diversity for the sake of diversity, which is BS. I also have no problem with a gay character, I do have a problem with changing how a character is perceived for no reason than trying to score inclusitivity brownie points. Btw, if they took a gay character and made him/her straight I would have the same problem, but probably less because the motivation to score brownie points wouldn’t make sense, which is what i really have a problem with.

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This person just equated finding out that someone is gay and being secretly fed bugs.

Same thing happened with Tracer, all the outrage all the bigotry, all the people crying “it’s forced” “I’m quitting”. It’ll pass like it did before.

I’m just waiting for them to make Hog gay so I can actually confirm the head canon that he’s my Husband. Idc either way, he’s still mine.

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Tracer and Emily are together, nobody is longing for anyone.

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Show me where anything in the lore said Soldier was straight. One thing and I’ll eat my hat.

They didn’t change anything.


Think about what Soldier:76 represents. He’s and older soldier. Even though the lore setting is in the future, the mindset of people reading will see Soldier:76 as an old vet of the now-a-days. Virtually all of the people of his type is not going to be gay, as it wasn’t really accepted, back in the past. So, people grow up and old, maintaining their old ways.

If Blizzard made him gay, it would feel forced, because of this stereotype we already have a mindset about. They can introduce a new “soldier” to be not straight.

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People in every generation are gay. You don’t get to pick and choose your sexuality based on when you were born.

Also Soldier would probably be from our generation, where in the western world it’s pretty well accepted.

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You don’t get to choose. But, Blizzard does to a character. With how everything “must” be politically correct these days, it makes it feel very forced when they do such things.

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The problem here is that everyone is postulating, we have no idea why or when they decided to make Soldier:76 gay. For all we know, it’s been decided long ago, and only then have they decided to reveal it. Everyone is quick to think the worst, but all that leads to is anger at something that is or isn’t true, it’s undue stress.

Of course that’s how it feels to you when that’s how you want it to feel.

There’s no reason for people to think Blizzard just randomly selected a hero to be gay, but they choose to because it gives them another thing to complain about.

I think the reason was to make it realistic. But that you need to say it in first place is wrong. Gay isn’t something special.

Blizzard didn’t make anything special out of it. Swap the male pronouns with female pronouns and put a female name in place of “Vincent” and no one would have said a thing. There’d be no arguments like “I’m fine with straight people, but don’t make a current hero straight, add a new one!”. Being gay is seen as something noteworthy, because people continue to note it unnecessarily.


And that’s in need for a change, need it blizzard :joy::joy::joy: like brig please

Because all of this stuff is nothing but a cheap way to redirect the attention. Blizzard is apprently a really crappy company with dirty stuff behind it and it appears like a lot of the dirty stuff comes out. Now blizzard was like, quick make something that gets the people mad. And here we are.

lol. no i disagree with this videos opinion. It’s only cause you want it to be this was, this way.