šŸ›” Buffs I think Rein should get

EDIT: Since people are still replying to this thread, Iā€™m changing the title to something more accurate. Weā€™ve moved passed the patch where Rein was hit hard, and weā€™re now in a meta where he is incredibly good. I still wouldnā€™t mind seeing him become immune to shield bash while his shield is up, and see him be able to trade with charge, so Iā€™m leaving the thread up.

Iā€™ve been against buffing Reinhardt for a while now because I truly believe that he isnā€™t a bad hero and that his viability is dependent on the strength of his counters, the Dive heroes. I thought that once they got toned down, he would see much more play.

That was until Brigitte was released.

Brigitte is a hero who is designed to deal with the Dive heroes specifically; youā€™d think this would really help Rein out wouldnā€™t you? Hereā€™s the problem: Not only does Brigitte counter Dive, she also completely invalidates Reinā€™s biggest strength, his shield, with her shield-bash ability. She is able to walk up to Rein point blank and stun him out of shield more reliably than any CC in the game. Every other CC ability has to be aimed in an area where Reinā€™s shield isnā€™t covering, requiring skill from the CCer and opening up potential counterplay for the Rein (shield angling, mind-games, etc.) With Brigitteā€™s shield-bash, this isnā€™t the case. Rein can even be knocked out of his charge by this ability. Itā€™s ridiculous, and even though she is quickly becoming one of my favorite heroes to play as, something needs to be done about this.

That is why Iā€™m proposing that Rein should be immune to Brigitteā€™s shield-bash while his shield is up. Brigitte was intended to counter Dive, the strongest comp in the game currently. There is no reason for her to also be so oppressive to the worst tank in the game at the same time by making the only thing Rein is good at completely irrelevant. This, on top of the fact that Reaper, Mei and Doomfist are all receiving buffs will surely make Rein even worse than he currently is. Itā€™s looking pretty bleak.

Please, for the Reinhardt mains that were already discouraged when Orisa basically made Rein obsolete, donā€™t make it even worse for us.

TLDR; Brigā€™s shield bash interrupts Reinā€™s shield and charge and I donā€™t think it should.


I agree. Hogā€™s hook canā€™t go through the shield, so itā€™s pretty stupid that Bridgetteā€™s mace can.


Her mace canā€™t, Iā€™m talking about her shield-bash. Itā€™s the only CC ability in the game that can go through shields. Unless you mean her melee?


As an aspiring Brig main, I found it odd that she countered his shield considering sheā€™s supposed to be his squire.

This is a well put together suggestion, and not the usual ā€œNERF BRIG ERMERGERDā€ thread, so hopefully people will actually read it and this starts a conversation!

That all being said, I agree. Rein should be immune to her shield bash with his shield up, but I am uncertain how they would tune that without it bugging every CC. :confused: But, Iā€™m certainly no programmer, and if weā€™ve seen anything from Blizz, itā€™s that they can work magic!


As much as I love Swedish Baguette I agree some of her bash interactions should have change.
Good example is Bash vs Charge or DerpFist. Currently it looks like this: DF > Bash > Charge. I belive it should work as DF vs Charge where both players are toppled when they colide.
Also Rein shiled should protect him from bash, at least from front. But I am afraid it is tied to all shileds interactions. If shiled stoped bash Winston shiled could too and that would be problem for ā€œdive counterā€ design of Briggy.


That is fair. He can punch craters into solid concrete, Brig should at least be knocked downā€“especially when Rein, who is much biggerā€“is and she isnā€™t. This is the stuff we need to be discussing! Little tweaks, quality of life! :smiley:


I kinda agree. I dont think baguette needs a nerf like a lot of people ask i simple think 2-3 heroes need to be adapted like rein even tho i dont play him whatsoever. I also hope baguette s knockback doesnt stop hogs hook (another hero i dont play at all)


I donā€™t think her shield bash should stun him through shield, so +1 to this suggestion! Thanks for a well put together post. Reinhardtā€™s main deal is his shield, taking that away from him seems silly.


Thing is i belive they just made bash into buffed McCree stun so all those werid interactions we are experiancing make sense.


Then that actually makes sense. Theyā€™d have to craft a separate CC for the shield slam and then have it not interact with Reinā€™s shieldā€“similar to the way Flashbang already doesnā€™t. At least I hope Iā€™m correct in this assumption! D:

What especially worries me is that DF, Reaper and Mei, characters who are already good against Rein, are getting buffed next patch. If Rein isnā€™t even able to keep his shield up consistently because of Brigitte, I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s going to be like for him when a team decides to run all of these heroes at once. Itā€™ll be cyberbullying at that point :sweat_smile:


Briggite, McCree, Mei, Doomfist, Roadhog, Reaper - Ultimate Rein bullies comp.


If you are worried about Rein being ccā€™d by Brigitte, take a Zarya along with you to eat up the damage that comes in when Rein gets stunned.

It works out better, cause Zarya gets more charge, and Rein gets more shield up time (since it is not being shot at).


This is a sound suggestion!


I agree and support this. Rein is my favorite hero and if he wasnā€™t getting more and more frustrated to play, heā€™d be my top pick. My playtime is dropping hard as well as is my enjoyment in the game. Recently I have been more and more instalocking DPS characters like Junkrat because of this.

The changes incoming do not look good for Reinhardt and at this point seeing how completely silent Blizzard is, I do not have any hope left.


This is something I can agree with. Rein gets too much disrupted from Brigs shield bash.

Edit: btw make it so he can be stunned if hit directly by it (aka being flanked).


100% agree

dont let our fav. crusader die blizz :frowning:


I wasnā€™t really a Rein ā€˜fanā€™ until I saw the Honor and Glory cinematic. I canā€™t even think about it without tearing up. So. GOOD.


No, the shield bash should go through Rein because itā€™s a Melee same as any other melee in the game like Doomfistā€™s Rocket punch or Genjiā€™s dash.
Also sheā€™s not hitting the shield but rather Rein himself. Itā€™s a simple logic.


+1 on this.
With the Reaper and the Mei buff coming, Rein is already facing a really bad time. Brig just completely puts the nail on his coffin!