šŸ›” Buffs I think Rein should get

I was going to write a lengthy post about how brigitte should get some shield bash nerf but then i remembered pharah, and then i remembered how pharah can get cookie clickered with mccree so then i just dont know what else to say other than I should probably go to sleep.


If it were a standard Melee attack, then Iā€™d agree with you. Since itā€™s also a CC I canā€™t help but feel that itā€™s overbearing to deal with compared to every other Melee attack and CC in the game for Rein specifically.


The only thing I think should happen is charge> shield bash. I think it makes a fine cc. And it counters Reinā€™s shield.

I also think Rein shouldnā€™t be able to cancel out a fully charged rocket punch. Rein has a big shield and it being down for 2 seconds from a shield badh makes for some counterplay. She has to be in melee to use. She is a melee hero she deserves some power. If bridgette ever has a nerf in her melee aspect I would want to have some compensation like a mini lucio aura that gets charged up with her passive.

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It counts as a melee attack, thatā€™s why you get stunned. It seems fine to me.
Anyways if you see a Brigitte walking to you, shouldnā€™t you prepare for what is coming?
Itā€™s called conter play

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And how exacly can you prepare? Charge her into enemy team? Drop your shiled and start swinging, making team all shoot buffet for reds? Fire strike wont kill her. Only thing you can do is run and thatā€™s not good.


Your teammates are responsible for helping you. If you have a Brigitte she needs to Bash before the enemy Brigitte. If you have dps heroes they need to focus her shield


I would be more than happy if he was buffā€¦

But in terms of consistency, doomfist can RP through Reinhardt shield, so is Brigitte.

Doomfist and Reinhardt charging to each other = double K.O, so is Brigitte.

I would like to whine about these situations, butā€¦ it seemsā€¦ just fair ?

They donā€™t buff heroes based on their counters. Counterplay is something they want to build in to the game, and Reinhardt is already the most prevalent main tank by FAR (he has roughly 3x Orisaā€™s pickrate).

I disagree that they should remove this counterplay, however I want Blizzard to think long and hard about the sorts of counters they put in to the game. Reinhardt essentially has to walk through an unavoidable stun to reach the enemy team now, I donā€™t think that design is ā€œfairā€ even though itā€™ll probably be balanced.

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Dont worry Rein mains. Reapers death blossom and Meis blizzard cant counter Resurr- waitā€¦
This is true though Rein is gonna be pretty bad after next patch.

I respect Rein mains for playing a shield tank to begin with and ill help them out no matter what. He is a healing priority and if you lose him say goodbye to that capture point.

I hope things dont get too bad for him. Sombra was already giving trouble for the few weeks she was alive and I really wish we dont end up trully having no tanks because everything counters them.


Reinhardt honestly doesnā€™t need buffs. He is 2nd picked tank in all ranks except Master and Grandmaster, and even then he sits at about mid-level.

He has his uses, his only real issue is Brigitteā€™s BS stun.

Zarya bubble would be best imo when yiu get stunned. Winston can help with his shield. D.Va can temporarily DM. Itā€™s like tank swapping via taunts in raids. The counterplay isnā€™t always in your hands in a team based game. If you see wow arena matches youā€™ll see how important it is for teammates to help each other.

Reinhardt is one of the most picked tanks because there arnt a lot of fun tanks to play. I play winstonā€¦ but he is not very complicated. I play Reinhardt because no matter how much you master him, you still mess up sometimes and look like a noob. :wink:

But Reinhardt already has a counterā€¦ his own charge. Its an ability that punishes him without the help from the team. Who else has an ability that punishes them and requires a skill shot?


True but that is just a temporary solution until it gets fixed. Zarya would be focused too much on Reinhardt. And Reinhardt would have to deal with his life. Meaning the tanks would be like in their own world of problems. Zarya couldnā€™t bubble anyone else etc.

I disagreed with every nerf and buff thread about Brigitte but this is the first time I have to say you are right. Even as Brigitte I feel terrible to be able to get Reinhardtā€™s shield down so fast.


Teammates? Helping me? What kind of Overwatch are you playing and where I can get that?


Best friend plays Rein whenever I Brig, and heā€™s got a lotta hours on Rein. Itā€™s still funny to see him charge and then on comms hear: ā€œā€¦mistakes were made! Help!ā€ :laughing:


Thatā€™s what I am trying to say :slight_smile:

Yes, I agree and asked the same thing when she was put on ptr cause I knew that her shield bash was too much for Rein who canā€™t do anything to avoid it.
And as a main Rein i know far too much what being stunned for 1 second meansā€¦ it means getting melted by the enemy team forcing you to retreat or just die.

Also, another little buff Iā€™d like to see is him being resistent to boops when heā€™s holding the shield.
Orisa and DVa move slower when shooting and they have boop resistence.
Rein moves slower when shielding but doesnā€™t have boop resistence.
And remember that both Orisa and DVa can deal dmg while shielding (while having boop resistence).


Rein doesnt need a buff. He just needs a new label ā€œSituationalā€.

There, now he can go join the others in that group lol.

I agree completely. This isnā€™t even a radical change - Doomfistā€™s rocket punch interactions were changed shortly after release (he used to be able to punch Meiā€™s ice block and remove Bastion from turret form). Less of a nerf and more making sure that interactions make sense and are fair. Also, Brigā€™s stun should cancel Reinā€™s windup to a charge but not the charge itself. Itā€™s just weird, it feels like she should get pinned if she stuns him mid charge, but instead she stops it dead.

Just want to clarify, I love both Brig and Rein. Rein does better against Brig in a 1v1 than youā€™d think, but in a team scenario where there are Hogs ready to hook and sleep darts primed, having his shield be constantly interrupted is very bad. Fix this interaction and theyā€™ll be the perfect duo.