It stuns so many things, and the range is pretty decent. She DOES have to be there, but her being there on the front line is a pretty necessary thing to begin with.
It’s kind of uhhh… touchy right now, between the community and her. She PROBABLY needs a couple more seconds on that thing, but it’s still too soon to tell how impactful it is compared to other abilities similar to it.
It PROBABLY needs some attention when it comes to barrier checks. So does her shield. Maybe a couple more seconds on the cooldown timer.
I disagree. It is the shortest ranged stun ability currently.
She is designed to counter flankers by punishing them if they get too close. Dive meta flankers dont’ need to commit to an attack. If they get in trouble, they can back out, heal up, and dive right back and their mobility abilities reset faster than Brigitte’s Shield Bash cooldown.
The ability is just fine.
I’m really not so sure. It’s pretty solid in terms of usage, but it’s also got an incredibly fast startup. Which don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy using the thing. However I just don’t see any way currently for a Genji or a Tracer player to actually escape this death sentence. Even Winston can’t really get away, because all I do is whip him back to the ground if he tries. All those roadhog hooks paying off…
How is this a problem? They escape everything else.
I’ll give my perspective as someone who plays a lot of Reaper:
If I’m diving into a backline and letting off a Death Blossom and I get stunned by a McCree with quick reflexes, I’m generally annoyed but impressed. He’s committed his 10-second cooldown and risked getting in close to kill me. A Genji getting up in my face and deflecting? Nice job Genji. Good reflexes.
A Bridgitte though? She’s got her shield up with 3rd-person viewing angles, come in fully protected and hit primary fire key to cancel an Death Blossom. She’s still fully protected and 5 seconds later she can do it all again. Even a Reinhardt has to drop his shield before charging. It’s BS. Double the cooldown and it might feel a bit fairer.
That’s the the thing. Brigitte was designed specifically to hard counter a Flanker that got too close or let her get too close. Namely Tracer. Maybe not Genji.
Her Shield Bash + Whip Shot + Melee does a total of 155 damage. Enough to take out Tracer in a smooth combo. Genji can generally Swift Strike away.
But I do understand your concern. A lot of Tanks suffer when Brigitte gets close because she can harass them through their Barriers. I think the only one she can’t do much about is a Fortified Orisa (can’t stun) but eventually Orisa will lose out unless she has her friends helping her.
Don’t worry though, already figuring out the counterplay for her. Splash damage landed next to Brigitte’s shield hurts her bad. Pharah Rockets, Junkrat’s Mines, 76’s Helix rockets, and Zayra’s alt-fire.
I have been enjoying Reaper considerably since Brigitte dropped. I’m pretty reluctant to let loose death blossom unless I’m sure of a few factors now.
- Brigitte is out of range.
- Ana is at least half hp or sleep dart is on cooldown.
- Mcree is nowhere nearby or his flashbang is on cooldown.
- Roadhog isn’t looking or his hook is on cooldown.
If all of these conditions are met, and I think I’ve got enough players looking the other way, I usually unleash the blossom and end the back line effectively. I’m kiiind of picky, maybe it’s because I’m not experienced enough in Reaper or I just commit alot of brainpower to game sense in that department.
That’s what its meant for, but if there’s anything she counters the hardest… It’s doomfist. She has an equal amount of crowd control to him with substantially more survivability.
I go in to rocket punch her, just get whip shot out of the way. I go in to seismic slam? Just get stunned. Try to uppercut her while she’s next to me following that stun? Nope. Whip shot just moves me away. I try to shoot her? She just blocks it. And on top of all that, she makes her entire team tanky, meaning I can’t reliably pick off ANYONE given they don’t overextend. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO AGAINST THIS?
Seriously getting sick of this new meta already, can’t do anything vs it at all.
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This sounds like exactly what we need.
It’s fine, but as a main, I dread that stun. Especially if it’s her and Mccree on the same team…the horror…
Well then, I guess this is the stun that Gotham needed.
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Don’t keep trying against one of your hard counters maybe
Why should they be able to get away from everyone? Why shouldn’t Brigette be allowed to punish mobility? Get too close, get stunned.
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That’s putting it more in line with flash, but Brigette doesn’t have near the follow up damage or the right kit to make use out of an ability with such a long cool down. The reason flash is on a long cool down is because you can delete people with it
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Look at it this way right? I’m going in to attack… lets say–their tank. I immediately get stunned by their brigitte, but then lets say they have a hog? OOh… Looks like I’m very easy to hook and kill.
Same situation, but a mccree instead? Yep. Still dead.
OH look, any hero that can deal damage on top of her combo? GUESS ILL DIE.
Doomfist is now utterly useless, as brigitte provides so many advantages I’m almost certain that she will be a mandatory pick.
I agree, double the cooldown is way too much time.
Brigitte is a front line healer, if you’re getting killed as Doomfist maybe you should rethink your primary targets when attacking. Like say, to the back line.
I think we all agree that we like Shield Bash because it counters Tracer and high mobility heroes in general, but the CD is too short that it’s kinda suffocating for the other side’s tanks when they got into a team fight against a Brigitte…
So here’s an idea: How about giving her extra CD time based on the number of people getting hit by it? This would make Brig think twice before bashing and choose a target, making it less spammy.
edit: actually that might not do anything, since even with the current size you rarely hit multiple targets… maybe base it on role?
Thats not true. Death blossom was fairly recently buffed to go through shields. She’s not protected more than her 50 armor allows it.
I think it’s fine, for now at least. stun is the only thing that gives her an edge in battle. And we need it to counter flankers😁