Pretty easy to delete her with Reaper if she’s not looking at you, or blindly running into the front line, just a couple shots to the noggin.
Did you miss the fact that she makes her entire team tanky? How am I meant to kill the backline if she throws a repair pack their way and they start getting healed by other supports?
Also, bit of a side note… she pairs obscenely well with torb and symmetra.
That’s actually not how that works. It makes it so that any damage that would be dealt to the player behind the barrier is dealt to the barrier as extra damage to it, so it shreads barriers even more so than it did before.
A Brigitte with a broken shield cannot shield bash.
Just some food for thought.
This is definitely one way to kill her. Which is also why Reaper does really well against her with his shotgun fire, they do a ton of damage to barriers. If she drops it while he’s nearby and more than half life, she cannot kill him with a stun combo, but she can flail him away. Pop goes the barrier, pop goes the Brigitte.
The repair pack is another story entirely. I’m not sure the longterm implications of it yet, but it seems quite strong as a tool for enabling defense and attack, in a way that the game has only seen with Zarya. Kind of like a bubble in its own right, with a big chunk of healing on top.
Yeah, definitely.
I think a lot of the concerns people have with Brigitte’s shield bash exclude that fact, though - that without that shield that you can break because it’s only 600 HP, she can’t shield bash or protect herself.
Is this a nerf her thread? It looks like. lol
I think it’s more of a reasonable conversation about a new character thread.
That’s not strictly true. It doesn’t go through shields. It just tracks and applies damage TO a shield based on the number of people behind a shield.
I.e. before it might do 510 damage to a shield over its duration but now if 4 people are behind a shield then it’ll take 2040 damage. But the shield will still soak that damage.
Bridgitte is still protected for a few seconds to get in and line up that bash.
This is, and isn’t true. The shield currently is rather buggy, so its possible it’ll just go RIGHT THROUGH. Not only that, but if she’s busy tanking death blossom with her shield, all it takes is a little BOOP or a NUDGE from something explosive, to send her angle of perfect blocking into the death blossom killing zone. Causing well… a half HP Brigitte, assuming she’s not being attacked by something else in the process.
This. Flanker mobility is on a low cooldown, so to effectively keep pace, the counter needs to be on a low cooldown too. Just play to your effective range and it won’t trouble you unless you’re a flanker mostly.
I agree with this more than I disagree. Generally speaking I’ve had good results with Roadhog’s hook, when dealing with flankers. You can think of me like the flank babysitter when I play hog, because I want to just kill the flankers the whole time. When his hook was on a 6sec CD I’d definitely land more kill shots, but that was also when he retained the ability to 1shot genji still. This both let me babysit, and press forward through picks. However now with the take a breather, it’s hard to ignore how strong he is on the frontline, and it feels wasted to babysit.
yeah but every 5 seconds? Team don’t dive in every 5 seconds. All that short of a cool down does is allow her to just drop random stuns with little to not thought or play/counter play to them. Mostly on ground based heroes fighting in close range. In other words, tanks.
Hook her? Stun. Shield up and walk in? Stun. Winston jump? Stun. Rein charge? Stun. Moira ULT? Stun.
As I’ve said in other threads I’m don’t think it’s OP or anything but it’s definitely a strange thing to add to the game. Being there should be a clear play/counter play almost everything in the game. That’s sort of the entire point of trying to track cool downs, bait out abilities, bait out ULT, save a counter ULT etc etc etc… That’s all good game play.
so I’m not sure why a very low cool down trump card level stun with the counter play that is near a meme now of “Just shoot them” was added into the game. Plus a lot of tank ULT require close range and… stun.
It’s only been a few days, still need to see how this plays out but kind of feels like they wanted to counter A, so they added something that mostly counters B. I’m really starting to question the direction this game is going balance wise. Still fun, still like the game but I don’t like this direction of less and less counter play options.
I’m thinking more along the lines of her moving from the FRONT LINE to the BACK LINE using this tool, and then the tool being available too quickly. It doubles as a mobility tool as well, rather than just a random stun. This is my primary concern.
6 seconds. Mostly because the duration takes around half a second, and then the timer takes about another half second to start.
She’s usually in a really bad way after a hook. That 50 armor is nothing. Only after she’s been ulted is it really a threat.
First, it’s not a trump card if its a regular tool with common usage. A trump card is more of an ult or rarely used niche skill.
Second, her shield protection is pretty small, and the hitbox is pretty close to matching.
Third, most tank ults aren’t close range. Sure REINS is. Stunning monkey isn’t a big deal.
I’m trying my best to be informative and not rude, how am I doing?
“Little to no thought” besides being in very close range. If everyone is playing to their effective ranges, most heroes shouldn’t be stunnable by the melee hero.
pffft… people are too touchy on the forums IMO. The entire idea is to knock ideas back and forth, there is nothing rude about doing that unless the topic is something stupid. Like a gold trying to say all tiers play the same and the match making is fixed, so that’s why they fell to silver even when some stat site said they blah blah blah. /rolleyes/
IMO I feel as a tank main that all tanks are “short range”. None of them have decent long range sustained DPS output. It’s all burst here or there abilities in your face fighting on say a payload. You can spend entire rounds just facing off on opposites of a payload, that’s 5 feet or so max?
Almost every single one of them gets counter and then near insta-killed (due to DPS power creep) if Brit just sort of rushes and stuns them. I just like more clear cut counter play and risk to reward for power based moves. Even if it’s something stupid like a melee blow counters her stun so you can try (and mostly fail) to time a counter move. Right now, there is little to nothing one can do.
I also understand that tanks are not popular, main tanks the least popular of all and most people are not even running into this issue as they are off being all mobile or shooting at longer range as DPS.
and how is that bad?
lol, big deal. Increase it to 7m as mccree and give it a 10s cooldown.
What? what? you don’t like it? then stop pretending that range matters to begin with if you don’t like where your own logic gets you.
And how is it the shortest? isn’t it melee, just like doomfist?
Or you think doomfist is 20m? okay, make it 20m too, i’ll see where it gets you, lol. When you fling your body with it, its not 6m or 20m, its still melee.
The cooldown is too short, I agree.
Not sure what you’re trying to prove, say, or get to.
McCree’s double head shot, or fan the hammer is far more reliable on eliminating a squishy that’s been stunned by his Flash Bang. His Flash Bang is also AOE and can be throw up a ledge or down from a perch.
And Doomfist? Doomfist Rocket Punch displaces the target if he lands the punch, and if they were low enough HP or his Rocket Punch was charged up enough, they’re smashed dead into a wall.
Brigitte’s Shield Bash Stun is annoying like any other stun, but the damage that follows after is usually only reliable to killing Tracer or baby d.VA. Most 200HP heroes have an opportunity to run away with critical health.
I’ll admit that Brigitte has put a lot of other heros who were in a bad spot, in a worse spot. Like Reinhardt (Brigitte can shield bash thru his shield), Ana (her ult gives armor, not HP, so anti-nade doesn’t do anything), Reaper (600HP can give her just enough time to Shield Bash him out of Death Blossom), DoomFist (Can stun him out of the middle of his attacks).
They’ll probably have to work some stuff out, like maybe if she shield bashes into a charging Reinhardt or Rocket Punching Doomfist, they cancel each other out.