"She could have saved Mondatta. But she didn't."


I know you’re upset about Mondatta getting killed in front of you, Iggy, but really?

I mean good lord, she doesn’t have eyes in the back of her head. She didn’t know that if she recalled or blinked that the bullet would hit Mondatta. And even if she knew he was directly behind and below her, how does anybody expect her to think–in less than a second, remember–“I’m plummeting to my death even if I survive getting shot by Widowmaker, and I’ve been blinking my way out of trouble for so many years that it’s pretty much completely instinctive by now, but I can’t do it this time because there’s a guy I just met I need to take a bullet for”???

Yes, Omnic Lives Matter, but come on. Get mad at the person who actually killed Mondatta, please.* Tracer is–no play on words intended here–only human. She can only do so much, and she isn’t going to successfully save the day every single time the day needs saving.

  • Actually, if you know her story, then don’t even get mad at her. Get mad at the people who brainwashed her into becoming a heartless assassin. Get mad at Talon.

Thank you! Your one of the first people to give This point of view!


I agree it is a pretty silly way to force a conflict, but I will say that in defense of this line, there were two lines earlier that support this irrational (to us) reaction.

1 - Kace is speaking to Iggy, and he says “Omnics fight for the whole. Humans fight only for themselves.”

2 - When Tracer thinks that it is rude that Mondatta was given food, he replies “A common human oversight. And it is one of the small things that divides us.”

Based on these two passages, I think the intent was that an Omnic would have sacrificed themselves and taken a bullet for Mondatta, while a human would not. The Omnic would view it as irrational to not take that bullet, while the human would think it irrational to blame Tracer.


Finally! The way that scene was completely based on the one variable of Tracer being human, and not an Omnic.


Realistically even if Tracer takes the bullet it just goes through her and kills Mondatta as well.


The bullet will be trapped inside the body, only Tracer one.

Not if Widowmaker had piercing rounds.


She had shot only one bullet. its meant to be single target.

Earlier she was aiming through a building to get Mondatta. She would need a pretty powerful rifle to pull off a shot like that and not have the trajectory ruined by going through several windows.

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After watching alive agian, its seems like widow just looked up for a clear shot. so she found one throgh the window.

As we are talking about it, there are interactions connected to this comic’s Tracer as right now:

  • Genji : What is it like to have the chance to change the past?
  • Tracer : Sometimes it doesn’t want to change.
  • Genji: Do not blame yourself for Mondatta’s death. It was not your fault.
  • Tracer: You don’t understand Genji, I could have saved him. Maybe the world would have been better off if it had been me instead of him.
  • Widowmaker: Does it bother you, knowing that you could have saved Mondatta’s life?
  • Tracer: We are all responsible for the choices we’ve made.
  • Widowmaker: So predictable. Even if you reverse time you make the same decisions.
  • Tracer: Don’t be so sure about that.
  • Orisa : Tracer, is it wrong for us to operate outside the law?
  • Tracer : That’s a difficult question, Orisa. I think there are times when you just have to do what’s right.
  • Mercy : Well, I suppose I’ll be patching you up, as usual.
  • Tracer : Don’t worry, Doctor Ziegler. If I get in trouble, I’ll just recall!

So surely Tracer will stop blame herself, at least less blame than right now.

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Does iggy just not understand that Widow could’ve just shoot another shot?


Lots, if not all, of those have been around for a while. I’ve heard the second one with Genji a few times and I thought that Tracer was being too hard on herself. But I guess with the comic we’re seeing that perhaps Tracer being too hard on herself is the result of Iggy blaming her to her face at a time when she felt like too much of a failure to put up an argument in her own defense.

That’s an interesting theory, but it’s one that I’m skeptical of until and unless there’s more evidence to support it. (Iggy actually saying that in so many words next issue will convince me, obviously.) Based on what I’m seeing right now I don’t think it’s likely, simply because the omnics we’ve seen have been putting a lot of effort into avoiding death and avoiding the kind of miserable life that some of the humans want to force them into. If omnics are willing to sacrifice themselves for somebody else–or, I suppose, for certain people because “He’s more important than I am”–then I would expect to see them caring a lot less about whether they live or die and/or about the quality of their lives. But it’s clear that the average omnic values their life quite a lot.

I think that an omnic would be willing to sacrifice themselves for certain greater goods…but I expect that, just like a human, they would need to think it over for a minute before committing to it. As opposed to it being a split-second decision.

I’ll play devil’s advocate for her here and guess that she’s thinking “If Tracer took the bullet, then in the second or two it would take Widow to aim and shoot again, Mondatta could have safely gotten into the car.” (And let’s just assume the car is bulletproof; he does have a lot of security, after all, so it stands to reason that they would have taken other precautions to protect him.)

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Even operating under the assumption that Tracer would have had the foresight to take the bullet for Mondatta and then Recall (if possible)…

It’s a sniper rifle, and futuristic one at that. The bullet would have gone through her and into Mondatta anyway.


It would depend what part of her it hit, probably. The Accelerator is probably sturdier than the rest of her. I’m probably giving Iggy too much credit here, but it’s possible that she knew about the fight with Doomfist, possible that she was sure the bullet wouldn’t have hit Tracer’s vital organs, and finally possible that she feels “Well, if Doomfist was able to rip that thing out of her and she was able to survive, then surely it’s no big deal if she gets shot there.”

Although even then it would be unreasonable for Iggy to assume that Tracer could come back from that just fine simply because she was lucky enough to come back from it once. And, again, there is nothing to indicate that Tracer had any idea Mondatta was in the line of fire at that moment.

Ya widows bullets did pierce at one point of time if not still do.

Never seen it in game tho.

Something else to consider, if Widowmaker was packing to kill a robot it was probably armor piercing rounds. I don’t know much about guns but if I had to guess those are going to tear through flesh far easier than the armor they’re designed to go through.


I’m the only one thinking that the ones at fault were the security team?

They were warned about a shooter on the roof that incapacitated the guards that were there, and their brilliant escape plan was to remove the potential target to the middle of an open road surrounded by tall buildings that all look the same. They didn’t even use those bulletproof covers to secure the route to the car!

(I bet the security team was Helix :nerd_face: . They are the renegade ow agents, Talon and the writers’ punching bags)

Now imagine if Iggy is blaming Tracer because she thinks Tracer was in cahoots with Widowmaker. Tracer was the last person to talk with Mondatta in private before his death…(that would’ve been a neat curveball by the writers).


I like the idea of Iggy assuming that Tracer was working with Widowmaker. She would probably also assume then that the only reason Tracer became her friend was to spy on the underground/gain her trust before a direct betrayal.


Making Tracer an even bigger wanted criminal would be a good direction for her hero arc.

Also, I’m curious about Omnic anatomy. Mondatta was hit in the chest, so couldn’t his memories be accessed from his memory banks in some way? If they die like humans with a shot from a high caliber weapon to the chest, it makes me wonder about how they relate to concepts like pain, gore, disgust, trauma, etc.

Maybe I’m asking for too much from a bad allegory :thinking: