Shatter, grav and blade

Then rework genji…

And im not talking about hard nerfs

Why rework a balanced hero?

Changing a hero for the hell of it is a bad idea.

Dragonblade doesn’t need any changes, if it can’t kill things as quickly as it does Genji would die much more than usual, meaning the ultimate isn’t even worth using anymore.

You’re effectively suggesting we break a TV and light it on fire, then try to fix the TV.

We wouldn’t HAVE to fix it if you didn’t break it in the first place

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Genji is just about the most balanced hero in the game, why would you rework him?



Xd sure…

What do you know about balance?

I study game design and balance philosophy at a technical school, and can tell you from my knowledge you are incorrect.

Most ults can be flat out cancelled or require readily available skills to stop.


Dragonblade, Shatter, Grav, are noticeably harder to counter.

It doesn’t necessarily mean those heroes need nerfs or that those ults need nerfs. But I mean it’s true those ults are hard hitting and difficult to mitigate compared to most other ults.

Death isn’t a consequence for failing the ultimates however. The other ultimates can also be used without fear of CC or knockback ruining it.

The punishment for failing something like Blizzard/Tac Visor/Molten Core/Dragonstrike etc is merely not gaining value, death is usually rarely ever a consequence

[Unless we speak of the bad ultimates like Blossom and Deadeye, but they are just bad overall]

“Oh no! I’ve been hit with an ult that specializes in CC! It’s so unfair that there’s an ultimate meant to counteract team based plays! Woe is me”

This clip gives me physical pain

And people want to nerf Rein?

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Wants to nerf the only viable tanks in the game

WhY DoEs NoBoDy WaNt To PlAy TaNks?!?

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If people get upset at an ultimate meant to counter grouping up maybe they shouldn’t be breathing on each others necks in the first place.


Honestly, Grav has been such a problematic ult since the beginning. I don’t really know why it’s still in the game. It’s enabled almost every team-wipe combo, and yet I barely see anyone talk about it. Zarya has been pretty much meta since forever but has barely been looked at.

And this is far from uncommon. CC straight up bullies Reinhardt into submissions.

One ult to rule them all… Trans…

Don’t trust a Genji main to say what is fair about Gengu.

Don’t trust a Zarya main to say what is fair about Zarya.

Don’t trust a Rien main to say what is fair about Rien.

Really don’t trust a anything that has a vetted interest in the subject at hand. Except maybe sometimes when you can tell they arn’t horribly bias.

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Looks bad but the Rein did survive through all of that. Most other heroes would’ve died ages ago.

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Those ults are way less likely to do anything. If Genji trades some support for himself, that’s often a won teamfight. He gets more kills over the course of a game with Dragonblade and does not average significantly more deaths. It’s the best damage dealing ult in the game, period.

Some ults are very difficult to counter without an another ultimate, resulting in ults as a whole being way too powerful.

And those three stand out as good examples of that .

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Can’t pose an opinionated statement as fact.

According to Overbuff, which is the only statistics we can really scrape up, the average Dragonblade gets 1 kill or less, of course some get more but 6.27 for 6-8 blades isn’t exactly impressive.

No, it’s a 5v5, it just means 1 person is down on each side. No numbers advantage. If anything it just means your team is now at an ultimate economy disadvantage since you are now down 1 man and 1 ultimate.

Dragonblade doesn’t require another ultimate to counter, Stuns/CC/Death work just fine.

They really don’t…

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True, but it isn’t remotely fun in any sense.

I want to play a badass, gigantic, german crusader. I dont want to play a punching bag that can’t handle cc :confused:

It averages more kills than any of the other damage ultimates. And it’s the hardest to counter. By what other metric would you judge it claim a different ultimate primarily used for doing damage is better?

Averages according to Overbuff

Genji 6.18 kills Dragonblade kills
Reaper 5.96 Deathblossom kills
Pharah 5.30 Rocket Barrage Kills
Junkrat 4.69 Rip-Tire kills
Mei 4.54 Blizzard Kills
Soldier 4.52 Tactical Visor Kills
Ashe 4.49 Bob Kills
Torbjorn 3.70 Molten Kills
Hanzo 3.69 Dragon Kills
Bastion 3.29 Tank Kills
McCree 3.05 Deadeye kills
Tracer 2.68 pulse bomb kills
Doomfist 2.49 meteor kills

6 kills for 6 Blades is 1 kill per ult, that is impressive in a game where being down a person very much swings a teamfight in your favor.

A support death is usually more significant than a damage dealer death because tanks have plenty of damage. And supports also have the big defensive abilites that keeps teams propped up.