Share your SPICIEST hottakes here!

So as per the title.

Whats one thing you hold in your opinion to be true that may upset other players?

There will be no judging here, just clear cut sharing of ideas among us the players.

Here’s my list.

  1. Crutch heros, IE easy to play heros, are unhealthy for the game’s future.

  2. One tricking is a self placed handicap to the players.

  3. Headshots need to be lowered to balance DPS across the board, with only snipers or scope heros retaining their high headshot multipliers.

  4. Mercy shouldn’t be the most spammable mobile hero in the game.

  5. Lucio is a poorly designed hero that hinders teammates when played poorly, and when in a broken state allows for abusive compositions to be played.

  6. Wreckingball should be meta. (Please let me have this one. We have so much pain playing Ball right now!)


That’s too hot :fire::hot_face:

I personally think he is one of the best balanced hero in the game.


Less aim dependant heroes like Mercy are a huge reason why Overwatch is successful and fun.


I eat ghost peppers raw bro.

I only accept the spiciest of spices.

But yeah its probably due to how Lucio does not synergize well with Ball. The speed boost ruins a lot of his advance tech. So a Lucio teammate only limits and hinders Ball play.

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Mei has never been a problem hero.


Ana should have 2 nades and Kiri should have 2 suzu’s. There I said it.


We are at that point of the balance where the devs should live with what they’ve begun and instead of changing numbers just rapid fire rework everyone they can touch. There are too many characters with outdated kits right now which impacts both their performance and overall fun factor.


Easy to use strategies usually aren’t much harder to play around than similar, but more difficult to use strategies. As an example I’ve seen people deride Junkrat for lobbing grenades into a chokepoint because he’s a “skilless hero”, yet give Hanzo a pass for doing the same because of his high skill ceiling (though I concede there are also people who deride the strategy on both characters). In both cases, you can usually just find an off-angle with a more forgiving area to dodge incoming fire from (map-dependant though).

Also, there is nothing wrong with (some) balancing around fun or how it feels to do or be on the receiving end of something. At the end of the day we play the game because we enjoy it, and if we don’t, why bother? You can argue Anti is balanced, sure. It’s a long cooldown, only lasts a few seconds, is on a squishy with zero mobility, whatever. But it still near-universally feels miserable to go against for anyone not playing Ana, and that’s not healthy, even if the ability is considered balanced.

I can’t tell if I’m having an annuresym.

Can anybody tell me how that feels, because it doesn’t feel very comforting?


Symmetra was never a noob stomper no skill hero like a lot of people want you to believe, players just like to scapegoat her because its been done since the inception of this game.

In short

When you are doing bad, blame the symmetra so the hate doesn’t fall on you.

Another hot take

Most of the people here in forums opposed symm rework idea specially if the idea was to make her more independent like the recent sombra rework because secretly they wanted her to be the niche f tier hero so when things go bad they always have that one particular hero to blame and to deflect the blame towards her.

When things go bad blame symmetra, it always works.

Huehuehue Jk

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Mei-be i would add the Mei-Reaper duo meta to that after GOATs was dealt with but that was only one month in the games history. Just a nitpick though, they shouldn’t have messed with her freeze for OW2.

I don’t have any particularly hot take, not on a sunday at least


I think defence matrix is too forgiving for how easily it cancels out every ranged attack in the game, including healing and some ultimates. let’s be honest - we’ve all accidentally swallowed ultimates with a tinge of shame in our soul


Pressing H to counter is not skill


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That hurt my flex player heart.

It was a joke. I’m overexaggerating myself to add a comedic effect to lighten the mood of the thread and encourage people to shrug off any judgemental behavior that might be presented in future posts.

You literally asked for it =]

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Less mechanically intensive heroes are good, especially for people who don’t play other shooters. Overwatch is the only shooter type game I play and I got into the game by playing Moira.

Sigma is the best designed tank in the game and the only one that really makes me feel like a tank.

Supports should focus less on healing and more on utility. Damage boost, speed boost, cleanse, shields/armor, maybe playing with obscuring the enemy’s vision, etc.

If OW2 was a flat 60 bucks with the old loot box system and story missions added with updates, I would have little to complain about. Monetization is the game’s biggest problem.

People take the game way too seriously. Breathe. Take a break, grab some water and maybe a little snack. It’s just a video game.


I only drink Haterade and eat Hot Cheetos.

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Blizzard should change how headshot damage is calculated, instead of it being multiplicative have a headshot add a flat amount of extra damage, that isn’t affected by damage boosts. (Neither is it reduced with falloff)

Suzu should be reworked to be single target with charges like repair pack. Or be like Splatoon ink armour where it negates any single instance of damage (this is anything from a stray Dva pellet to a self destruct)

I’m sorry DPS players but supports and tanks having ways to prevent you getting kills is part of this game. If you want your pew pew skill to be all that matters go play CS or valorant.


If there isn’t someone upset at your hot take, it’s not a hot take. :stuck_out_tongue: