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The game’s effort-to-reward ratio is completely wack. There’s no benefit to devote hundreds of hours into certain heroes cause others will give you 80% of the same value for 20% of the effort.

In a similar vein, supports shouldn’t have abilities that counter everything. Defensive abilities are inherently easier to use and if they also are a response for practically everything in the game (Baptiste as a prime example) they should have niche uses or easy counterplay. And no, baiting abilities isn’t counterplay it’s just waiting for something to happen.

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I don’t know about others, but personally it feels really bad when a support doesn’t need as much effort to negate/nullify what you do as a DPS. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes it definitely feels like one side is getting significantly way more value than the other. And when that happens, it just feels like cheese for one side and abhorrently unfun for the other.

The Game Balance Philosophy used by the devs has been wrong at a fundamental level for the last 7 years. Because the winrate math, is wrong mathematically. And they shouldn’t even be using it anyways, if they want the game to be consistently fun, and not too frustrating.

OW2's Balance Philosophy has some major flaws


Lol this is a hot take wow and by abusive comp im guessing you mean goats and or beta queen comp which where never a lucio problem plus how does he hinder teammates?

My hot take is the new rank is dumb unless it allows gm players to play in 5 stacks

I dont think its the low aim when it comes to mercy if you get what i mean

No she definitely was but that was way back in ow1 where she had 6 turrets and the lock on beam but that was old old overwatch

Someone called me an aimbotter once because I would flank and charge up the lockon beam.

So when my POTG showed up for everyone it was me locking onto a target who was trying circle strafe me and its just me flailing my camera around, but still confirming the three kills.

I just replied “Nah bro its auto lock on.”

Still got called a cheater.

Ya that old sym was so annoying because anyone would just go on the hero lock on to anyone and just jump around i always switched to zen so i could stay back and kill her before she could get close but god old syms was a nightmare and yiu had to go winston sometimes just to clear her bs microwaves

That’s because you only see your perspective when a support denied your kill, take Kiri for example when she tps to her ally and suzus to save them, she has put herself at risk leaving her position and the rest of her team to save one teammate, using both her cooldowns, that’s a calculated risk, she had to have the game sense and reaction to know if that would prove a good move to make in that instance. I still think Suzu as it is now is too strong but that’s just one example.

Old sym used to have a 75% win rate on console because of her noodle beam.


I play all roles, so I have both been denied a lot, and I also have done the denying. Heck, if anything as an All Roles player I feel support is often the easiest role cause you’re always behind your entire team usually, meaning that there’s tons of time where you’re not directly pressured.

Also regarding the specific example of a Kiri using TP+Suzu to save someone is true for both sides of the argument. It’s still a cheese strat that you can effectively go through walls and save someone. Does it put the Kiri at risk? Yes, but if the Kiri is smart then they’ll make it out alive because if you’re doing a TP+Suzu and dying afterwards, usually it wasn’t worth saving the person to begin with.

Also, the alternative strat of Kiri being able to essentially solo flank, potentially get a two-tap then get out for free is also unrewarding to play against. Unless you have some form of CC and also land that CC on one of the smallest hitboxes in the game, the window of opportunity to punish that play is miniscule compared to the value it can bring. The fact that some Support characters are objectively better at taking duels without ults than DPS should raise concern. Bap and Illari specifically don’t need to do the heaps of damage they do along with all the sustain they have.

Tank should be the most fun role in the game because there’s only one person playing it and it’s currently not.

Zenyatta is not as problematic to tanks compared to other elements of 5v5.

Weapon skin rewards shouldn’t be locked to comp. It makes it less competitive.

PVE should be a higher priority then these unbalanced terrible new modes or hero mastery (that isn’t even finished) and we still have had archives yet in Overwatch 2.

Genji and Mercy take the same amount of skill to use.

Junkerqueen is best waifu and it’s not even close.


I’m not disagreeing with you, getting denied sucks but what else would you give supports, if not kill denying utility: damage increases break DPS breakpoints, damage reductions are arguably worse that immortalities, giving overhealth makes the game a slog and do I even need to explain why giving more raw healing would be a terrible idea?

Of course you could just remove any other abilities that aren’t damage or healing, but that would remove any uniqueness from the game and you may as well just play cod.

Op said hot takes this is colder than my heart.

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We are conducting the forbidden ritual of Summoning shippers.

You have doomed us all.

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Reinhardt should have 5000 health. A Barrier with 10,000 health. 8 charges of Firestrike, 5 charges of Charge. Earthshatter should last until the enemy dies and respawns.

The problem isn’t that we can’t have kill-denials. The problem is when denying the kill takes disproportionately less effort than getting than kill. It’s all about the effort-to-reward ratio

To be useful on Ball in your own tier:

Your gamesense, certain mechanics/techs, and probably your overall personality have to be so much better than your peers that if you spent your time on an easier/more productive hero you’d probably raise 2 ranks (but might be cursed to have the likability and personality of canon Pharah).

And people still have no idea how to work with/leverage having a Ball on their team despite it being years of them playing.

Probably similar with Doom.

Orisa is the polar opposite.

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I wish it was. But it’s mostly D.Va this, Mercy that or Tracer these.

Basic tastes if you ask me.

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Completely unrelated question, how many middle class white dudes do you play with on average?