Shanghai Dragons vs. Florida Mayhem - FINAL

A man of his word this one.


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We’ve seen loads of rush comps in Havana this owl season tbf

I’m going, but I’m not happy, my picks are ruined and I’m never wearing my Chengdu OWL skins in games ever again. :persevere:

Wait that was a cap!
We wanted a hat!

I guess that will do… :grin:
Rest well!!!
Thank you!!!

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Lmao, you’re the best. :joy:


The real winner of the Mei Melee is the tortillas

So everyone, with only one match (and two encores remaining). Here are still my standing recommendations for all users who are still having problems earning the Ana Overwatch League skin during the May Melee Tournament.

Good night everyone!


Do you know if watching youtube on console still counts? I’ve been leaving it running on my phone too just in case so IDK

Avoid using the YouTube console app to earn rewards. Keep your phone going if possible.

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Thanks! Good to know.

My stream is usually behind to sync with co-streams, so I just have my phone watching the games live to get my drops.

So yeah…I made it through second map…and then I remember looking at screen and seeing Shanghai won…I couldnt even tell you what the third map was…

Las tonight was really good OW play…but those times are brutal lol

lol…i have the encore playing (hey free tokens)…and theyre showing the feed that didnt die midway through the match…

but it has no commentator audio…so the chat started doing the commentary…

this might mark the first time chat, be it twitch or YT, has ever actually made me chuckle