Shanghai Dragons vs. Dallas Fuel - FINAL (Spoilers)

I always pick Pharah on Kings Row attack Point A.

Mercy is my favorite hero but I’m really annoyed with her right now.

Man if this keeps up, it’s gonna be like 4-2 SHD. And it won’t be not having an answer to the best hitscan, but to the best Pharmercy/Echomercy duo in the league

Dallas has never seen a Mercy before.

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Shanghai needs to switch from those tanks.

What a rollercoaster.

Good. Fuel got an answer with their swaps. Maybe we’ll have a more competitive game now.

That was looking dire at first

Fate not dead anymore? How she do that??

Sym Bastion comp incoming lol

im still waiting for that surprise hog pick…

Fate should change already.

I wish these guys would cast every game.


I love seeing Soldier 76 being a difference maker

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i defy anyone to tell me what the meta is just based on these 3 maps so far…

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Sparkle isn’t the best aimer, so he farms an ult to aim for him. :thinking:


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The meta seems to be to use confusion on the enemy. It’s super effective!

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Nah man. He just did his workouts for this match. And unfortunately for Shanghai it was leg day

Dallas use Sp9rk1e…It’s super effective!


Shanghai sure knows how to put the brakes on its own speeding train. Now, how to put the brakes on a speeding rocket…


Lijiang Tower (Control): Dallas Fuel 2, Shanghai Dragons 0

Temple of Anubis (Assault): Shanghai Dragons 1, Dallas Fuel 0

King’s Row (Hybrid): Dallas Fuel 3, Shanghai Dragons 2

MATCH SCORE: Dallas Fuel 2, Shanghai Dragons 1

NEXT UP: Escort. Shanghai with the map pick. Dallas with the option to either attack or defend.