Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

Why, so we can go back to a Tracer meta?

Any fix to Brigitte needs to be applied to Tracer as well.


Watch what happens in 24 hours when everyone will demand a buff after the nerf.

Yes, but it isn’t meant to be totally one sided.

Tracer needs a support counter. Without Brigitte there isn’t one. So she goes back to being picked every single game.

Yes, you need ways to counter supports, but it shouldn’t be the same counter every single game.

When I played in the open, she was in every single game. No other hero was like that - and it was because there were supports in every game, and she countered them in every game.

But that is bad design, she pushed out all of the other DPS in game.

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Flankers are built to delete supports.

That why they nerfed tracer ULT to not work against tanks. She not supposed to go for tank she is suppose to kill squishy support that don’t have the damage to fight her

But it was the SAME flanker every single game.

I don’t disagree the supports need counters, I DO disagree that it needs to be the same counter for all of them.

An once she is nerfed the tears go straight to flanker number 2. That who you know it’s a support main right away.

Doesn’t matter who the flanker is they going to cry OP

I don’t care about Doom or Genji, they are not as oppressive as Tracer was.

Go look at my “why I love Zen thread”.

I am NOT saying there shouldn’t be counters to supports. I specifically call it out in that thread.

You should just play more heroes, The game can’t be balanced around I only play one style of game play so want the style that counters me nerfed into oblivion

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ALL games have supports in them, people don’t run without them.

I am saying that Tracer was good against every single team composition - AND THAT IS BAD.

Besides, I play Mei quite a lot. Not just supports.

You seem to be arguing against there being a reason you would have to pick a different flanker…

Tracer has NEVER been good in silver. NEVER. but complain cause a good one got me once is the problem with this game

I played in the open, and go to the pro level, where I was being payed to play games.

Tracer was in every game when I was in the pro team.

Don’t judge me on where I am now :slight_smile: I have a SURPRISING history.

It was pretty nutty.

Yeah, I am in silver now, I am old, and need to play a LOT to play at that level, and I haven’t been. I drop like a stone when I don’t - and arthritis has taken its toll.

I may have been the oldest pro player in overwatch :slight_smile: But our team had a LOT of weirdness going on.

And now your silver?? I find that hard to believe. There is nothing wrong with being silver. It just tracer was not a OP monster at that skill level at any point in the game life cycle.

basically all you have to do is Jump and you just hard countered a silver tracer

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(sorry - see above, I replied while still typeing)

I was in Jaynes French Toast Mafia, we were not amazing, but we were different that is for sure.

I was in Plat when I joined, and likely could have been in Diamond, but was Scrimming all day.

You don’t play for a month or 2 afterwards (burnout from the crazy schedules) and boom, instance silver.

I just can’t retain Mechanical skills.

Yeah Tracer isn’t a problem in silver… Or Plat to be honest. But damn she was a menace in the open.

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‘Shame those same people didn’t complain about buffing his counters and fixing their bugs.’ Am I right?
Seriously though. Fix and buff the counters or fix interactions. The whole ‘Nerf this’ quota is getting tiresome and annoying.
It’s also becoming a very good reason never to visit the forums; as it is filled with it.

How could you drop that far on a support main. You don’t need to aim?? Your basic game knowledge should still be solid

Zen main. I DO need to aim :slight_smile:

I knowledge is pretty solid, but, I can’t use a mouse like I could even 6 months ago… it SUCKS.

Hmm interesting I guess you don’t need to know how to play to be pro didn’t know that.

I would assume you have have enough knowledge to be average on lucio or mercy

Tbh it’s just a rocket punch nerf I think.
He’ll be fine.

Shame on the people for not realizing buffing people to counter ONE hero is not only an indication that that ONE hero is a problem, but that powercreep will screw other heroes who aren’t as tanky and mobile and dangerous"

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I never took Mercy seriously.

I am picking up Lucio, but I really like Zen :slight_smile:

Lucio requires being able to mouse properly, don’t think for a moment he doesn’t.

To be honest, position and game knowledge was mostly all I had in the open anyway.

I won’t be able to play overwatch much more, which is a crying shame.

Anyway - my point is, don’t judge someone for being in silver, they may have been a pro at one point. Strangely enough.


What is your story, and why do you think Tracer should be viable against any team?

I don’t think she shouldn’t be viable, just against specific teams, like any other hero has to face.