Shame doomfist is getting nerfed

they should just prevent him from breaking the maps, and I don’t think he should be invincible in his ult

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What’s the nerf?

I think he became meta because tracer is not as good. Tracer hard counters doom fist pretty hard.

You can dodge his engage then just chance him down with burst damage

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I’m not convinced that Tracer hard counters him. It’s a relatively even matchup, because both heroes will avoid each other for the most part, both can escape fairly easily and both can quickly kill each other. The duel depends on the terrain more than anything.


I don’t know what the nerfs are but I hope it includes a rework on his Ult.

Well maybe at GM things are different.

But a mid tier he is a big target and tracer can pump a ton of damage into him and follow him when he tries to escape. Once his 2 Slam and rocket punch are one he is dead meat.

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Also Mangachu on Busan.

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Those are very different things…


I dunno. In a lot of ways, imho, DFs kill confirmation comes from the slam uppercut combos with the filler fist shotgun shots. Tracer is a bad target for that due to recall and blink. It’s easy to dump rounds into DF when hes not flying around at high speeds.

That said, what you say is def true as well. In a lot of ways neither really limits or restricts the efficiency of the other, just punishes severely when given the opportunity. Hmm.

As for what was said via Jeff it seems they’re thinking about RP tweaks? RP is the escape mechanic and occasionally a kill as far as I understand it. It seems most people have a problem with the slam uppercut comboing.

The last time I heard small tweaks from Jeff I got a mercy rework. I don’t know how to scale their idea of small.


Yeah good idea.

Lets nerf the only DPS who can kill the cancer Brigitte at 1vs1.


They think that nerfing Doomfist will make them better at the game, instead they will remain trash as always


It is kinda funny too.

Tracer can’t reliably kill Doomfist, but neither is the other way around.
The same can be applied to Genji, although not to the degree of Tracer.

Have you SEEN the Doomfist plays during the WorldCup so far? He gets away with so much crap and gets free kills like crazy just as “forum whiners” describe.

And this is against coordinated professional teams so the whole “just counter him 16head” argument is crap. Accept that he is overtuned. Just accept it.


Shame on everyone who cried for Mercy to get a nerf. This is really unnecessary and really shouldn’t happen like this.

I had to.

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Remove them both and the game is way better.

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“Shame on the people who wanted an overtuned and obnoxious hero toned down when his pickrates and winrates indicate he’s too strong”



Tracer was her own problem though.

I am hoping new Hog will to be Doom what Brigitte was to Tracer.

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if they’re nerfing doomfist, they need to nerf baguette into the ground just as well


support main right…look dps are supose to be able to kill people that is their job

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