Shadder2k's description of Brigitte is perfect

But that’s obviously wrong?

Her healing is actually fairly impressive when you take everything into consideration. Her armor pack has strong Zarya bubble vibes to keep people from being blown up, but she cannot use it to heal herself. Her ultimate is an AoE 40 hps in armor, which is about the same as Mercy’s heal (effectively, actually a bit weaker), but she needs to be in melee range of her team to actually get it off. Inspire is more of a constant tick that just goes on in the background, not meant to act as a main heal.

For Brig herself her sustain is weak and can only keep herself alive through playing with her team or outplaying the enemy by managing her shield and abilities. As far as being the main provider of heals… it’s laughable to even consider her.


The good old “gEnjI iS nOT bAlaNCed aNd dOnt rEquIRe sKIll aND hE hAs nO cOUntErs”
Is this why he has negative winrates from bronze to diamond ? :thinking:
I see that you’re low plat, its quite unfortunate that you don’t play him and start climbing :hugs:


Sustainability doesn’t means self heals only though, she has enough hp and shield hp to be very sustainable and that is without her self heal. Pros know her passive is weak, that is why they run her as an off-tank and not secondary support. Hence “support-off-tank and dps with no downsides”.

She is one of the most sustainable heroes and it has nothing to do with her only dealing 16 hps.


He is talking about his scrims.

At his level of play, it is basically one comp or nothing.

He is saying from personal and extensive experience at the highest level, that she is needed.

Nothing hyperbolic about it. It is his experience playing at that level.

Almost every pro has said similar from their experiences in scrims.


When it was Reinhardt in every comp, that was no problem.
When Tracer is in every comp, that’s no problem.
When Doomfist isn’t in any comps, that’s no problem?
Suddenly Brigitte is a problem…

Hmm. These “rules” seem kinda arbitrary and hypocritical.


yeah but she can’t be used as main healer so I am curious in what combo and position she will be used as.

Can anyone of the pro worshippers around here elaborate on how Birgitte’s 58 DPS and less average damage than Lucio according to the QP stats make her “support tank DPS all-in-one with the best of everything”?

You seem to be getting very aggressive about this.

When she’s a must pick to the same level as Mercy across all tiers and all modes, then I’ll believe you. But the opinion of some streamer dude isn’t enough to convince me lmao

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Triple support or “solo heals” is what I’m guessing, and people have kind of been seeing it. But it’s the first day, so who knows how the meta will shake up.

If Dive gets pushed back, Ana might make a comeback, so you can see Mercy/Moira/Ana, Lucio/Zen, then Brig with one or more tanks.

But in competitive… it really doesn’t matter. People are terrible at strategizing. If your team can put together a half-decent comp that synergizes well regardless of the enemy team and pull off a play, you’ll win every game.

Here’s a question, for these ‘she’s broken’…at the top end, is she broken in a 2 heal setup, or only Triple Support?

Brig vs Winston is a 0-10 matchup. Prove me wrong.

Same reason Genji has just about the lowest dps of all dps heroes but is one of the best.

Burst damage.


Because you have to think about their effective time and sustain in fights.
A hero can out-damage/heal her, but they cant stay and sustain in the fight for nearly as long.
Plus her shielding is insane.

You can do less damage/healing but so long as you are able to sustain yourself and the team longer in a fight you come out on top.

Hyperbolic pills, even the casters call out Blizzard’s work on Brigitte and they are legit working for them.

But hey, it’s just twitch, twitter, competitive subreddit, blizzard employees and the official forums saying the same things over and over again, they must be a minority and overreacting.


Preface this argument that you’re a support-only player that is trying to abuse the hero for the time being as seen by your stats. a lot of the stuff you’re saying are no-brainer.

McCree stun is lower distance, TWICE the cooldown for a SHORTER stun period. thinking a hero that is nigh unkillable having 7 seconds instead of 5 for a 1 stun RISK FREE stun is bonkers.

And whatever justification you give the hero shouldn’t be stronger than the entire tank roster with how she’s currently designed. 10k damage 10k heals per 10 MINUTES is ridiculous.

No, it’s only 50 armor difference for the ult, that makes it far less oppressive. Her ult as it is right now is press Q to win before fight starts.

But anyway, you’re clearly bias and not up for some objective discussion about the hero considering its the only role you’re willing to play AND clearly trying to exploit her for the time being. She will be nerfed, and probably pretty fast, don’t panic.


If by “duel” you mean in the style of the Duel arcade modes, I’d expect Brigitte to win a decent number of those. There’s an objective that appears after a few minutes, so Pharah auto-loses if she doesn’t either drop into kill range then or follow Brigitte indoors before that.

he literally just said “I don’t play her.” and if you don’t play a hero then how do you see both sides of the argument?

One of the many pro players who has the exact same opinion. Who are way better judges of meta than any plat/gold on this forum.
Whether the forum likes it or not.


But I have played her. And I destroyed with her. She is overpowered.