If by perfect you mean “a hilarious exaggeration”, I agree.
they should have just make her a real tank… and not some weird hybride
Who and why should I care?
I totally don’t see any bias from this post.
just a popular overwatch streamer…
everyone is seeking for attention atm by commenting on brigitte.
hahaha spot on
They made Brigitte OP because she is geared towards little kids with no FPS experience. They want them to feel like they are having an impact. However, even little kids hate broken gameplay, this is what they fail to realize. Overwatch is dying to battle royale games. Soon some very rich people will be putting hits on peoples heads as revenge for their enormous monetary losses on Overwatch League. Releasing an explicitly broken dumpster hero like Brigitte is just a desperate hail mary attempt to save overwatch and cover themselves.
Let’s make Zen into a support too or at least a full blooded dps since he’s a weird hybrid
How can you reasonably say that Brigitte tanks better than Roadhog, Zarya and D.Va with her tiny 600 hp shield? Each tank offers more consistent utility than Brig to their team. Zarya can bubble an ally to save someone from a burst of damage like Tracer’s Pulse Bomb. Roadhog can stand and take massive amounts of damage with Take A Breather. D.Va can absorb damage with Matrix. All of these tanks also have bigger health pools and can also dish out damage much more consistently and at longer distances than Brig can as well.
OP is a genji main with literally 0 minutes of Brig played on their profile. They literally have 0 experience controlling or playing her.
Lets see.
- She can stun every 4 secs (its 5 sec but her stun is 1 sec duration)
- It’s impossible for tracer to get remotely close so she’s incredible peel target and pulse bomb becomes irrelevant. And next patch Armor pack will be able to save incredible amount of heroes from pulse bomb so there’s that
- She is incredibly sustainable she has a barrier and constant self heals and CC and knockbacks, making her very impossible to take down unless you’re fighting her 3vs1
- Play Brigitte against any off-tank and see them survive one engagement; she will kill them.
This is excluding her peeling prowess with boop that often lucio is recognized for but hers is so much better, and her extremely overtuned ultimate.
I have experience playing against her and my brother who plays her a lot agrees that she’s too good atm. I have more of an issue with how she effects tank then her making gengu useless.
lol at shadder complaining that his “epic solo teamwipe” with his super balanced hero genji is now getting negated just as easily.
That’s not how timing works. “She can keep a hero stunned with 4 second gaps if she is 100% efficient”
Tracer remains the most mobile hero in the game. A Brig who can track a Tracer perfectly deserves to punish them.
She has 16hps. Every single hero in the game does more than three times that damage. She’s incredibly vulnerable to both splash and burst damage.
By keeping their distance and doing their job.
Because she has a barrier and they don’t. What’s more, that barrier is also incredibly tiny and doesn’t protect from any angle except directly in front of her, and any Junkrat with half a brain can break it down with incredible ease.
Defeats the point of it being an ultimate.
Too long, and even then, the cooldown as it is now is not only a critical part of her kit, but also requires either her over-extending to inhumane levels and getting killed, or enemies being stupid and either not paying attention or deliberately getting up in her face.
Being nerfed doesn’t mean the same as balanced, especially when the character was ALREADY balanced to begin with.
Things called alt accounts lol. Tracer and Genji are actually my most low played heroes across all my accounts.
You don’t need to play a hero to know they are blatantly op. And i’ve played brigitte plenty on my support smurf.
Just played a comp match where the other team had a Brigitte and we didn’t, and we couldn’t get anywhere against them without a Brigitte (but it was too late at that point anyways).
Her healing isn’t very impressive if we dont count her ult. I am curious who they will swap for her.
Shes not broken, i have no problems fighting against her
Please stop,
she is fine, its just that its a new hero and no one knows how to counter her
remember when sombra was released everyone predicted the death of widow?
or when moira was released, everyone shouted OP OP OP OP OP OP
or when ana was released, everyone said she was the most broken thing in existance,
please stop
You can’t dish out the 500 damage necessary to break her shield before you get into her melee range? (Where you shouldn’t be, unless you’re one of the few heroes who needs melee range)
I just can’t take any of this Brig criticism from the forums seriously, it just sound like excuses to not have to think or improve or change something about their playstyle!
Lol. Clearly.