It’s sad that Blizz doesn’t really do anything about this. They’re only reason is that I’m a girl and girls don’t belong in Diamond apparently
I believe muting/blocking is reset upon logoff as well. Chat settings, blocked players, and avoid lists should not reset or time out. The only one that affects anything besides yourself (avoid list) is already capped so there’s no reason for the reset.
But my main has shiny exclusive skins
I’m pretty sure Blizzard would rather lose you, just 1 person than ban 3+ people. It’s sad but Blizzard has proven they could care less. Yes I’m talking to you @JeffreyKaplan
Also I had a guy the other day start saying sexist comments to a female. It disgust me there are still people out there like that.
I literally cursed when I saw this. And that almost never happens. I’m sorry you have to deal with punks like these. It’s a baffle why Blizz hasn’t done anything to them yet. They sound disgusting. Absolutely repulsive…
It’s why I disclose my gender because of this type of issue that continues in gaming
They appear to be on PSN. Does it work the same on that?
Who are you?
I don’t even talk, it just says my gender on my profile, so they literally looked me up to find out if I’m a girl
If they are throwing every game you end up with them, they will at some point accumulate enough reports and/or fall out of your skill range and you won’t worry about them again
That’s creepy as hell ngl.
How sad are these children that they need to look somebody’s profile up to attack them just to see if they can attack them?
They only throw my games tho, not all
Send in a support ticket, and link them the video proof. If they give you an automated responce, keep pressing the issue till you speak to a human. What you’re experiencing is necessary to talk to an actual gm.
I can’t even send a ticket, I just tried and there’s no option. That’s why I made this
Yeah i cant access support either. The only available source I’m able to contact is but that’s for cheating
Does avoiding them work? Or do they just play on another account?
Select a category that’s similar. Or just select open ticket. The report system isn’t working, so maby technical?
I’ve tried, it seems that there’s no tickets to send at the moment? I’m not sure
Avoiding them works until the week is over. Then I find them again and the cycle starts again
These people are pathetic, imagine getting fun out of ruining other people’s fun.
Who’s to say that they don’t throw other games?
Regardless, make sure you communicate with your team to report them when they throw. That will ensure they are automatically banned if they get lots of reports.