"Server Closed Due to An Unexpected Error" in Competitive

servers are messed up atm Blizzard give us a heads up asap.

I’m having the same issues on PS4. I’ve played three matches today and have been booted from two of them and penalized for both. Really starting to feel like playing this game isnt worth it anymore. This is beginning to happen way to frequently for my taste.

What you have to do is restart the client and you will be able to rejoin the match. It has happened to me twice today. Once during placements and I received a loss with a 10 minute suspension and in my second match I was disconnected, restarted my client, rejoined, won, and was given a 25 minute suspension and lost 50 SR.

same thing happened to me. i lost 50 sr. i feel that the SR should be refunded because it was not by my doing. time of incident was 7:50-8:00 pm CST on 12/02/18

It literally sends you back to the main menu and says rejoin match, but you cant click the button. If you wait long enough it will send you back into the match. Only to be booted for inactivity because you never actually left in the first place. If you restart your client it just gives you the autoban from competitive with no option to rejoin.

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Yeah. I just got tagged with this and got a 10-min ban and lost 50 SR.

I tried to lock in Rein, and the game hung for a moment, before returning me to the character select screen. I tried again, and it hung again, then dropped me from the match with the error message.

As with others, I was not disconnected from chat, though nobody else responded in the short time I typed things before trying to restart the client.

Oddly, I could toggle chat channels only for Team and Match chat, not General chat.

Not goin’ to fly off the handle, since 50 SR is damned annoying (and probably a hit to Endorsement as well, meh). But I will agree with others that this is the sort of thing that’s very frustrating to deal with, losing progress because of a server-side issue.

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It happened to me too! As a result I have lost 150Sr today, I hope they can resolve it!
Edit: After being on support for about 40 minutes I was told it mainly only impacted xbox players and players from a certain country. So they were able to do nothing for my 2 hour ban or my SR.

Just had the same issue. resulted in a temp ban. unacceptable for a AAA title.

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Just got a 30 minute ban an lost over 100 SR today. I got to the highest I have ever been in Comp and now I have to do all the work all over again.

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this is the second time that its happened to me. I keep losing sr because of it

Happened to me too in Phoenix, AZ. Rejoin button available but couldn’t rejoin and got SR penalty.

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Same thing, our six stack lost two players and they were penalized as we also lost the match.

Same, and I just lost 50SR as well…

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Just lost 50 sr and got a ban for 10 mins.
So annoying!

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Yeah like I said don’t play competitive. Only happening in comp games.

Yeah I had the same issue and restarted my game and was able to rejoin but then about 1 minute later it just kicked me and my friend out of the game too and didnt even give him the error and it he is describbing it as if i just clicked leave game with party and i dropped almost 100 SR so now im a little bit frusterated and was wondering if overwatch support could do anything like give me SR back or if i just have to grind again

it’s just happened to me too… even I won the game… and I got booted to the main menu after the message… I lost 50 points and suspended… please fix this.

I experienced this error twice tonight, please grant us SR back for the server issues since its not our faults.


Yup, endorsement went from 3 to 2 also…

That’s a third time. 200+ SR lost