Seriously, can we buff Sombra?

This has quite possibly got to be one of the worst metas currently, especially for supports

I simply CANNOT enjoy this game while you’ve got a doomfist rampant and a ball who could care less about CC,

Can we please revert the sombra nerfs, just the sombra nerfs entirely?


I think we could keep Sombra the way she is, but give her extra damage to shields.


No, she make me not play hero, bad character. Nerf more please



I hate playing against Sombra. I hate her hack, her translocation, invis, everything. But even I have to admit that she kinda sucks rn.


Nah because Sombra is “unfun”.

Only 6 heroes are allowed to be meta at a given time.


Can we do that without increasing her annoyance factor?

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Sombra is just unpossible to balance actually or she is too OP or too bad.
But what does happen that people only argue when shes OP not to buff her.
GL ur speaciall :heartpulse::hugs:

Shes had one meta, ever, and she had a 48% winrate


Make warping to her translocator reload her gun. Recall does it, wraith does it, and currently the interaction of reloading and warping canceling it feels clunky.

And that’s it. I fixed it


Meta/OP doesnt mean posetive winrate???
And she did became meta multiple times

really? got any proof?

If you can somehow buff her without making her absurdly annoying, sure.

Also nerf hack as compensation.

you can buff her once you removed hack or emp from her kit entirely.

Buff- NO GOD PLS NO. She has the most flawed design of any hero in the game and I honestly want to find the people who think coming out of no where to unplug your abilities before you can react and then getting away with infinite escape potential was a good idea and she makes tank players lives a living hell when they are just trying to do there jobs. “seriously blizz needs to stop dps pandering if they want more people to queue for tank”

Complete Rework- Yes, in a vacuum hack is balanced and stealth/ translocator are balanced. Together they are insanely stupid. The mobility and dumbing down of positioning skill that invis and translocate provide negate any counterplay a LOS quick cast ability like hack are supposed to have. Ideally split sombra into 2 new heros, current sombra can have hack and translocate replaced with support abilities “healing drone, hacking team mates, spawn healthpacks, hack grants lifesteal for allies etc” move her to support and thenput hack and translocate on a new skill based stealth hero who relies on aim and timing rather than a busted no aim disable ability to win duals.

But any change or rework that doesnt address her CORE DESIGN FLAWs of just being a hero who comes out of no where turns off your abilities and then teleports away for free wont be successful.

Add a damage bonus against weakened enemies to Opportunist, solidifying her role as the sneaky assassin type. She doesn’t have enough killing power in this 222 world.


No! No buffs only nerfs disguised as buffs >:(

Increase her damage or decrease her bullet spread but increase the down time she has before she can do anything while/after de-cloaking.

That way she’ll be more useful in fights but she can’t just de-cloak next to someone and insta-gib them with the buff…She’ll have to start de-cloaking further away and sneak up behind the enemies without her cloak.

The game is cancer when Sombra is good.

Same story for Symmetra, they’re extremely obnoxious to play against even if they aren’t overpowered.

Which is definitely something the devs keep in mind it would seem since they have nerfed both of them pretty hard.

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Is it just me or she can one clip a hacked tank (Wrecking ball/Roadhog)

Sombra will never be or feel balanced if hack and emp remain skills as they are. EMP and Hack just feel outright unfun to play against. She’s a terrible character for the game, but the only solution is to rework her; buffing any other part of her kit would make her far too strong, but nerfing her hack and EMP would probably make her too weak and remove her identity. She’s an almost impossible to balance hero.

Also, I am a GM support main and feel like this is actually one of the better meta we have been in, at least for years. The only two heros that are tougher to play in this meta are Ana and Zen (particularly Zen), and Sombra tears through all the supports a lot more effectively than DF does (not to say DF isn’t frustratingly oppressive to play against).

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