Seriously, can we buff Sombra?

They should but they wont. Its been 3 years and i didnt see any genuine effort to make her viable. On the contrary, everytime she got close to being viable at least for high ranks she got nerfed into oblivion.
This got so silly that people start fearmongering and pretend like shes always on the verge of being OP even when shes running a 44% winrate and is rarley used.
If you actually do fact checks, she was never OP in the entire history of the game. Actually she was borderline unusable for the majority of it based on gamebraking bugs which didnt allow her to use her abilities properly.


Give it up, these devs will never ever do right by her.

They’ll just keep making her more and more clunky with every change, she’ll only ever be buffed in the wrong ways that make people hate her even more, and with every buff will come at least an equal nerf. And they will never revert anything so her design will only continue to be dug into a deeper and deeper hole.

I legit wish they’d just her (and our) suffering and delete her already since they clearly have no love lost for her.

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Yeah. It does. You can’t be both OP and consistently have one of the worst winrates in the game. She’s never been OP. She was good and not OP before her nerfs. But because she was meta in league for one stage, which meant she had a use but wasn’t overly powerful, that means she’s OP?

Nah. People need to just cut the hysterics about the silence status effect. I have played games for decades and have never seen a group complain more about losing their abilities for a few seconds than the OW playerbase.


Pretty much this. When players are losing their minds over things like 0.75 second stuns…You know we’re at the bottom.


She’s fine if you don’t play to win.

Whether you do or don’t tho, the other five in your team may want to have a say in it.

well i think she is fine on low elos where the majority plays with a team… your second dps needs to be on point and your team needs to play around your EMPs… ive seen some really nasty sombra players. but for people who do not play in teams i see its harder to make her use, does not change her annoyence level.

I don’t even care right now tbh, just hoping they do her right in OW2 :slight_smile:

its so funny how people in the forum cry that fun is subjective with mercy…but not sombra…


This so much. Translocator and reload interactions are so jank.

I don’t think her design is terrible at all, she’s not a conventional DPS hero, you’re even essentially giving up a damage spot for a character that pulls support for the team and creates denial of opportunity for the enemy.

She will, in all honesty, never be “balanced” because she’s a hero that is meant to annoy the enemy, and be a pain. You can make her less annoying but that will make her useless. When you buff her to be balanced, she will be attacked until the devs nerf her again


You know Blizzard, for every buff she has to receive 2 nerfs. Even with this tiny Translocator buff.

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But she is “oppressive”.

We can’t have that. I mean, why else was she nerfed twice when she already was an unviable underperforming hero with the lowest winrate in one of the lowest pickrate?

At this point i’ve given up on the balance team

If they buff her, its going to be a pointless buff while they take something out of her kit yet again


Sombra is either a powerful Enabler or a weak enabler bcs thats pretty much her only role

Too strong, Translocator not cancelling her reload animation would already be a big buff by itself.

Sombra is horrible and ruins the game just as much as Doom. No thanks. Keep her down there and just nerf Doom.


You know, I do think it’s possible to have Sombra be good without being annoying and still keeping the functions of hack and emp in check. I’ll come back later once I got something written down.

Let’s be honest here. All people really want is spam at the enemy from behind the safety of a shield so that they never die and use their get-out-of-jail-for-free cards whenever they happen to be in a pickle. Sombra doesn’t fit in that picture.

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why buff a hero everyone in the playbase hates?


You really want the tanks quit this games