Sentry turrets NEED QoL fixes ASAP

symmetra relies on her turrets a lot, these changes are perfection
insert symmetra voice

having to remove all 3 turrets to move one is horrendous, being able to destroy them by interacting (like sym and sombra) would be soo good!

the turrets usually focus the “beffiest” enemy if the enemy team is grouped up.
if you could guide the turrets to kill the smaller enemies, it would be sooo helpful.

I would adore these changes.
thank you for suggesting this!


OMG number 2… you don’t know how many times my turrets attached to roadhog/tanks when Ana was just standing there too. FeelsBadMan

I wish I could control the target they are hitting like Torb does, definitely.


More like why are these not a thing yet.


Also reduce their connection box when in flight the amount of times iv tried to launch a turret somewhere and its stuck to a pole or wall just a tiny bit to close to and its stuck -_-


The suggestion of being able to destroy the sentry turrets has been on my Quality of Life recommendations thread for some time now.

I may add a variant of your suggestion to see Sentry turrets through walls for allies to the list.


I made a post similar to this idea:

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Not gonna be helpful.

Torbjörn benefits because his Turret has 30m range. So telling it where to fire works for him.

For Symmetra this won’t work as her Turrets only have a 10m targeting range on deployment AND to hit with Primary you have to be within the range of Turret and Primary (Deadly close to the enemy) with which they will shoot down your turrets as you try to deploy them.

Redundant and unhelpful.


Have Turrets target all enemies and structures in range.

Balanced with a DPS drop and increasing turret capacity and/or stock.

Not even slightly unhelpful. i quite often have all my turrets up on the point trying to focus down a healer and if my turrets would snap to them that would make taking them out way more sueful than them just zaping reins shield. turrets either need to be more useful or buff her own attacks.


No mention of her turrets’ ridiculous hitboxes?

That’s a disagree from me. I see your perspective but to say it’s “not gonna be helpful” is probably just… wrong. There are scenarios where this would be very helpful.

My only hesitation is that maybe it’s impossible to decouple the “shoot down” hitbox from the “attach” hitbox which is why it may be so big.

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Love these!

I kind of think I find the last one the most frustrating, even tho I shouldnt, but theres so many times where this would make things easier for everyone and I just dont get WHY its not a thing.

Its even worse if you dropped some offensive turret or 2 to cut off running enemies during a fight and now you have 1 or 2 turrets you want to change to a defensive position but your oldest turret already is at the choke so now you need to ‘‘destroy’’ the turret that you actually want to have and cycle through 2 or 3 turret CDs in order to move the remaining 2 that you actually want moved.


Yes yes and yes, also i would personally want them to knock a few seconds off the cooldown because 10 seconds for each individual turret is a bit overkill.

I think a 7 or 8 second cooldown instead for each would be better.

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I’ve always wished that Symmetra gained a charge of Sentry Turrets whenever she gets a kill or assist personally, but these changes would be very nice. Idk how your first suggestion would work though… I feel like it’d be tricky to implement this and not destroy turrets accidentally.

Lower cooldowns for turrents would be a bad idea just because lower ranks would spam the turrents. However, if sym destroyed a turrent and then wants to deploy another one, the cooldown should be 7 seconds.

Love all the suggestions though.

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Ehh, symmetra’s in low ranks usually place all their turrets poorly in one spot anyways, i don’t think it would change much in terms of the lower ranks.

That being said i’d be satisfied with just the above buffs or any buffs for that matter.

What makes it worse then low-ranked syms placing turrets in one place is that when they’re destroyed, they can spawn 3 more turrets quickly.

But sym desperately needs buffs and I don’t even play her. QoL changes and health or weapon changes because she can’t do anything when a rein comes in and kills her in two swoops.

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What i miss the most from symmetra 2.0 is her photon barrier ability.

Without that she’s basically as vulnerable as zenyatta.

That and i think her number one problem is that everything she does takes time, her primary fire needs to ramp up, her secondary fire needs to charge up, her teleporter needs to setup and her turrets need to setup, all those abilities have only average results for the time they take and it’s even more problematic since overwatch is a fast paced game, beyond that it would be nice if her teleporter actually ignored breakable objects, railings might be a even bigger weakness then most enemies lol.

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Amazing. I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t done this already.

The beffiest target? wouldn’t that be more problematic? as it would be more useful for them to stick to a squishy dps or support so they can eliminate them faster. as say targeting a Hog or Rien shield could be an absolute waste of time and allow for the other tanks and dps to focus them without much concern

tbh these would be great, but at the same time you have to keep in mind her turrets are also CC and there’s no cooldown between uses if they are destroyed. So we shouldn’t treat her turrets like Torb’s turret at all.

All the turrets really need is 12m reach (for now) and a faster deployment time (25% faster). Their cooldown is also problematic considering how fragile they still are and there’s plenty of ways they could go about that - but for now just the base changes should be good enough.

The cooldowns are to accommodate their raw power (slow CC, independent damage source, 50dps auto-aim). So if they change the cooldown, it has to be something super small ooooor just revamp her storage/cooldown numbers.