Sentry turrets NEED QoL fixes ASAP

tbh these would be great, but at the same time you have to keep in mind her turrets are also CC and there’s no cooldown between uses if they are destroyed. So we shouldn’t treat her turrets like Torb’s turret at all.

All the turrets really need is 12m reach (for now) and a faster deployment time (25% faster). Their cooldown is also problematic considering how fragile they still are and there’s plenty of ways they could go about that - but for now just the base changes should be good enough.

The cooldowns are to accommodate their raw power (slow CC, independent damage source, 50dps auto-aim). So if they change the cooldown, it has to be something super small ooooor just revamp her storage/cooldown numbers.

“Cause for Celebration.”

Take your pick! :+1:

1 and 3 are QoL changes.

2 is a buff.

This buff would be massive to Symmetra. Flankers would have such a hard time against her. I don’t even know that it’s unwarranted. She just may need it.

Also what is this?

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I never said that the turrets should target the beefiest character…

  1. Reduce the gigantic ‘deploy’ hitbox they have so they can actually be thrown without fearing they’ll stick to the wall you’re standing beside.

These are some great ideas! Here’s hoping the devs take notice.

they should also be less “sticky” with a faster deployment animation cause it really messes with your turret positioning

yeah because the devs totally remember who sym is

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Turrets should reset on death or when Sym uses her ULT.

I agree with the comments that Sym wouldn’t benefit with the added AI with turrets targeting your target because it’s only 10m.

All of these have been sorely needed - nice thread, I hope they add these changes <3

Second point attacking hanamura, your team just took the point and you know a genji,ana,mercy whatever is about to come out the points left hand door from spawn you pepper the area with turrets so when they jump down ZAP… but they all target different ones.

wouldnt it be useful to be able to force your turrets to target the ana?

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I suppose but i’d rather have a golden glove.

yes to all of this! maybe also stop them interacting with objects i don’t intend them to

It wouldn’t harm her. I’m not convinced that this wouldn’t be a helpful change. It might not be a primary function of the turrets, but if you are zapping someone in range of 1 or more turrets, it would be helpful to focus them down faster. It simply would not be of “no benefit.”

Ok these are not mutually exclusive. We’re supposed to be on the same team here.

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I know, i know. Turret change would be a good QoL. Should be able to manually destroy them too.

The sad thing is her sentry turrets are the very least of her issues now. From her horrendous primary that has a dozen issues of its own, to her orbs that don’t even do the correct splash damage, to her poorly balanced tele and underwhelming downgrade of an ultimate which is also another support ultimate for a dps rework. List goes on and on lack of survivability and so on.

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What’s wrong with the primary?

damage, damage of first charge level, reload time, ammo amount, thickness of beam, charge up mechanic, length of beam. Some of these are dependent on other factors such as survivability, others are how it is supposed to function as Blizzards comments which are basically a lie. There have been fixes but they’ve been small in scope and not brought it up to par nor up to where it was promised to function. To put it quickly.

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