Selling DLC as a separate game is disgusting

sorry for the mistake I’m new to the forums ,but I know it’s not just a single event but from game play it looks to be structured very similarly is my point this should just be free considering the price of OW ,but I would being willing to pay a reasonable price. Seeing as all the content being added to it with the exception of the new story modes will be in OW anyway.

I’m gonna say this again, because I think people need to hear it about 10,000 more times before it actually sinks in, what is wrong with Blizz taking their time to make content right instead of fast? According to the player base, when characters and balance patches are rushed out, it makes the game trash and makes things even more unbalanced. SO WHAT IS THE RIGHT ANSWER?? Blizzard can do nothing right in the eyes of the average forum poster. You’re all being pretty ridiculous.


I see nothing claiming amounts to pay. All I see are reasons for it to be a paid thing like most other expansions. Sooooo…

Nintendo is just allowing those games to be sold, not releasing them. They were already being sold on other platforms for similar prices.

We don’t know how much it will cost AND an expansion is better than an entirely new game that will just leave the original dead. If it was a cashgrab, they wouldn’t add all the new maps and heroes to Overwatch.

And last, but not least, the pve content is different enough from what you paid for when you bought Ow that Blizzard has every right to put a price tag on it.

OW is a social experiment and a scam. And the shills on this forum are trying to delude us all into thinking this isn’t manipulation.

The original game was $40 on PC.
The LEGENDARY VERSION of the game was $60 (and consoles have no choice but this).

So before you start spreading outrage… please

you’re talking about story mode. the PvE focus is on hero missions a supposedly highly re-playable mode

Yea I know it doesn’t say anything about pricing thats why I why I uses words like “suggest” and “might”. I was just pointing out they might treat it more like a sequel rather than an expansion, and that they say people can purchase it seperately. So I was just pointing that they might try to charge too much.