Seeing people shill this hard is actually embarrassing

that’s what another hyphen told me 12 years ago when i correctly predicted mass effect 3 would be locking game content behind day1 dlc.
and i havent forgotten the “it’s just horse armor, it’s a small purchease, no way games will get worse”

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Maybe not monetary, but what else else could blizzard offer me personally? Free TP?

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they could offer all gameplay for free and monetize cosmetics only.
like, you know, fortnite

For your bung hole? (god I am old)

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Which part of the gameplay isn’t free?

No thank you. I don’t want to have to pay for all the individual cosmetics, I’d rather earn them for cheap in the BP.

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For muh bohunkus.

Are you not going to play the game? Are you not happy with the game and what they’re doing to it? If the negative hype continues to snowball to the point that it reaches the mainstream, as we’re already seeing in articles and forums, does that not hurt the chance of the game you like succeeding? That’s an interest.


it’s still being monetize since you can pay to skip the grind.

You’re saying I shouldn’t play it. I agree. So they’re taking away OW1, the game I paid for, when they said they wouldn’t . And leaving me with nothing, yeah? You wouldn’t complain if you paid for something and a company, despite saying they wouldn’t, just decided they wanted to take it away?


Wow you’re so cool man I wish I could be like you, a cool guy who goes against blizzard; your line of thinking isn’t popular at all /s

Oh thats all?

Bow complaining people insult you and hurt your feelings when you called majority of these forum users freeloaders.

God so embarrassing. I knew people like you would look stupid but pure denial is even worse.

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That’s not how it works :joy:

A shill receives some kind of special compensation directly from the source. We are all getting the same product from Blizzard, I just happen to like it more than you do.

Or … Blizzard is paying me off with tins of baked beans …

That is 100% false. Stop making up definitions.

Oh you can complain about that for sure, but thats a pivot. We were not talking about that mate and you know it. Complaining OW1 is “closing” at this point is yelling at the clouds, you are free to do it for sure, but thats not going to yield much of anything, is it ? :man_shrugging:

Wops someone is triggered.

Yep as opposed to your clearly calmed stance, not full of insults at all, and getting so worked up that you need to flame/troll anyone that slightly disagrees with you.

Keep on that, it only proves my point right even more :+1:

Im almost sure that half those shill and blizzard appologistic posts are made by overworked blizzard interns in pr team for cookie points.

Like you can see it pretty clear from the posts and those condescending tones of looking down on consumer, why would another consumer do that.

The only thing that has been proven many times is how stupid you are.

Sucks to be wrong :frowning:

A shill is a person who praises or promotes something because they secretly have a personal stake in it .

A shill , also called a plant or a stooge , is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization.

to talk about or describe someone or something in a favorable way because you are being paid to do it

A person paid to endorse a product while pretending to be impartial.

There are many ways of phrasing it. But the gist remains the same. Just have a look at online dictionaries.

I created 2 threads. Both are specifically to do with OW1 and the fact that they’re removing it, specifically because of the forced BP interaction. I don’t believe that it is “yelling at the clouds.” Things can change and do, if the right arguments and supporting evidence reaches the right people. Even potentially opening them up to the possibility of class-action for deceptive practices might be enough to give pause, or at the very least, raise an eyebrow, even with there being a miniscule chance of success. Do I think there is likely a legal standing? Probably. Do I think anyone would pick it up? Probably not. Blizz has too much money. That said, you never know unless you try.

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Oh there really isnt, I can tell you now but I am not going to go over the TOS now to paste the 4 specific paragraphs that talk about that.

Best case scenario is an Arcade mode about 6v6 with “old tanks” or something. And that would be ultra hyper mega lucky.

You’re specifically, and disingenuously, providing definitions where payment is involved.

Definition of SHILL (verb): to pretend interest or liking for gain.

(nothing there says gain has to be monetary)

  1. act or work as a shill.

“your husband in the crowd could shill for you”

Obviously the wife would not be paying her husband, the gain is not monetary

1**:** to act as a shill

2**:** to act as a spokesperson or promoter

neither specify monetary gain, and some of the examples include political shilling.

a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty

Again, doesn’t implicitly state monetary gain.

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