Seeing new Developers posting on the forums is WONDERFUL!

Great to have you here. I really hope the communication with you guys will stay high in the future. We were kind of feeling neglected lately.

Aye, welcome to the forums.

Welcome to the Blizzard Community. Don’t take too much of what we say to serious we can be a bit irrational from time to time!

Catchphrase was just kidding.

pat the otter in genjiyus

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lol, doesn’t seem that way on the blizzard forums

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A little input and possible advice. I think the dev team should do a bi-weekly post, say every other Friday, with input on what’s going on. Examples would be map changes, hero changes or updates, new game modes that get tested. Something to keep the community apprised that the devs are still around and active.

The more quiet the devs are the more upset the community gets.

care to elaborate what you mean by that?

You guys ever though of creating a hero that controls creatures, like the pokemon player in Smash or something? Where each ability actually correlates to a different creature/or even I guess the omnic equivalent to a creature? Not sure if there are omnic animals.

Question for you or you can pass it along to another dev.

Thank you for that.

The forum is still a work in progress I guess.

Much older than you think I am.

This has nothing to do with thick skin by the way. This has everything to do with just being nice.

Do they say it “Jay-Noh” or “Juh-Noh”?

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Could I ask a hero-specific question? (well, more like bringing up pain points on a hero)

Mercy is still a hot topic among the people who play her/used to love playing her. The balance is fine, the viability is fine… but she feels really underwhelming to play.

Some specific pain points: The skill ceiling plateus too early to be satisfying for a long-time player, and there isn’t much opportunity for skill expression or big playmaking. E-rez feels pretty clunky, and Valkyrie doesn’t really “feel” like an ult.

With the healing reduction to 50hps, Mercy is being used as an off-healer to Moira or Ana. She just doesn’t have enough healing to keep tanks up without their help… and that really stings because Mercy started out as the OG main healer.

Are there any plans to take a closer look at Mercy for the sake of improving her player experience?

Hi Jnoh, it’s a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see more of you!

For funsies, what would you say is the easiest part of your position, and the hardest part?

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Buff Mercy to must pick status until the heat death of the universe.
Thanks man, appreciated.

It would be AWESOME if you “have a DevWatch” following thing going on. Where we can follow our Developers on here. I mean If we have Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. how about where you can show us what you all are up to!!

To me, when a Developer talks about their game. It douses fires fast. Behavior Interactive does this EACH week on Dead By daylight. It takes out ALOT of the community unhappiness. and people can see it from YOUR point of view :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean look at when Jeff talked about Role-Que. Suddenly it actually made sense.

Can we get some “like hype” here. if you ALL agree we’d love to see posted photos such as “Days at the office” on working with this game. lolz . I mean when we heard someone talk about Jeff Kaplan’s Swear jar that wasn’t for swearing, that was FUNNY stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, I’m trying my best I can’t find the words here to make this sound not like some toxic boio. But I really just want to ask a few question specifically about reaper. My first question and the one that determines the rest is basically do you guys have a plan for characters like reaper that have been getting pummeled in high ranks to make them more usable there? It just seems like kind of a troll pick at this point to pick him anywhere above platinum rank.

Big hugs! Thank you for working on my favorite game in the whole world! :smile:

Welcome Josh! Enjoyed your recent video interview! Thanks for your insight on the game.

oh cool more devs can see how bad they made the game. :neutral_face:

Actually, I noticed a lot of posts from support, Jeff, patch notes, etc. It’s really quite refreshing, really. :slight_smile: