Secret Private ExC? (day 2 edit)

It’s not even secret… lol

AndyB literally responded to this question.


Welp I guess I was just bugged no one was actually talking about it…

Anyway time for Critical Role/ Skyrim chill time.


If this is true, it would make absolutely no sense. The game is already in a state where players are leaving en masse, why would they risk driving off even more players by outright telling them they don’t matter? I guess the logical explanation would be that execs were upset that their last public exc card was (rightfully) called trash and wanted feedback from players who would happily kiss their feet for $$$. Maybe they think that a streamer exc would be better-received, but that’s also a delusion on their part because the OWL exc in March was one of the worst-received ever. It would almost definitely have the same problems of “buff my mains and nerf their counters”.

That being said, I can completely see it being true. Considering how extravagantly Blizzard’s execs have dropped the ball leading up to this point, it might be par for the course. Unless this card magically fixes most of the problems with the game, its going to be a total disaster.


Yeah all these streamers/content creators in that private dev discord thing are all doing an experimental or something like that

i dont know it seems like the april 1st experimental was the best card ever and it was meant to be as a joke… kinda ironic

well thats how i felt dont know how other people felt about it


There is no private, secret, clandestine, or even slightly sketch Experimental Card.


It came from a surprise to see you answer. Kinda off topic but how was your Thanksgiving?

I mean… It’s not like you’d confess to it if there was. :roll_eyes:


That’s just what someone hiding a private, secret, clandestine, or even slightly sketch Experimental Card WOULD say!




To be fair, the OWL Exc card should be renamed to Plat/Gold Tier caster Exc card, since that’s more realistic to what happened.


Well why don’t you make a public one then, bestie

Confused by the use of the word “sketch” in this context.

You see, sometimes they release a patch that they know is absolute trash, like Genji’s 2020 megabuff to make OWL a little more fun for the Summer Showdown. They call those ones sketch because they know they’re bad, but they do it anyways.


That doesn’t sound right.

No i’m sure it s so secret that even you dont know about it XD

You guys will know when it’s gonna happen

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So there is one

Who knows what is contained within it

So youtubers and OWL players will continue to “balance” this game?? :clown_face:


If there is a secret experimental that they don’t want us to know about then it’s probably some balance changes they want to test for OW2 reworks and stuff, but they don’t want to or can’t put it into the game rn

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