Season 36 Top 500 players still not receiving rewards

About 30 minutes before Overwatch 1 shut down half the players on the top 500 leaderboard were deleted and it seemed to be any player in diamond was removed from the leaderboards even though they made it to the top 500. I haven’t seen this addressed and it’s really frustrating because it was a huge grind to get all those games in and climb just to not receive something you should have. Hope this gets fixed or addressed. It’s not like they don’t give top 500 rewards to people in diamond either because in season 35 diamond players are still regarded as top 500.


A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards

I have work to do Blizzard you know? Well, so do you.

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You’re not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve created a more centralized spot to keep our evidence of our missing Top 500 placement and rewards for Season 36. Under my megathread is a new category titled: Season 36 Top 500 Evidence. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Please post any evidence you have to a file-sharing website such as Imgur, Youtube, Reddit, etc. and then reply with a shortened URL and your BattleTag to those posts so that I can add them to the megathread as well.

Bumping up this thread again.

Here is yet another bump for this post.