Season 36 Top 500 Open Q Leaderboard Missing Diamond Players

The top 500 leaderboards for season 36 currently don’t show any players in diamond. It still shows previous seasons with diamonds in top 500. Rewards were also not delivered for being in top 500 for that season. I assume this will be worked out when other pressing matters are dealt with but wanted to report it.


They will never fix it :(.

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Bumping this post to try and make it seen.


Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards

It makes me so sad, Blizz.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I have created a more centralized place to keep our evidence of our missing Top 500 placement and rewards for Season 36. Under my megathread is a new category titled: Season 36 Top 500 Evidence. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Please post any evidence you have to a filesharing website such as Imgur, Youtube, Reddit, etc. and then reply with a shortened URL and your BattleTag to those posts so I can add them to the megathread as well.

One more bump for this post.

Once again bumping this thread up.