Season 18 - All roles climbing journey (low gold start)

Just watched the Moira Lijiang game back.

Hilarious comments on you being dps Moira. Amazed you didn’t avoid that annoying kid after the match.

Just a few general tips for the map, which I play Lucio on a lot.

  1. Never use side entrance on market if you’ve no team Lucio. Too risky Pharah, Lucio or Hammond going to boop you off.
  2. Never use bridge in gardens if no Lucio on your team. Same issues apply.

Since you have comms (Nice. About 10% of my ps4 games have more than two people in comms) then suggest a route for your whole team to take. First push was a disaster as your team tried to go in two different directions and you got split off and couldn’t provide any support.

You made loads of positioning and mechanical errors, which is understandable if you’re learning her.

If you want help, I suggest submitting a vod for review. Here’s me being ripped apart by helpful forum goers for my Hollywood game submission.

I’ve played her for a while, but now playing her more as a dps, and doing better because of it. Making some very basic errors. just need to think more and auto pilot less.