Season 10 Patch Notes

Tank Hero Balance Changes


Rocket Punch

  • The empowered punch is no longer consumed when the windup is canceled by using Seismic Slam or Power Block.

Developer Comments: This quality-of-life improvement streamlines the transition between charging up an empowered Rocket Punch and another ability by removing the requirement of pressing the cancel input first.

Junker Queen


  • Impact damage increased from 90 to 105.



  • Knockdown duration increased from 2.75 to 3 seconds.
  • Shockwave range increased from 20 to 25 meters.


Experimental Barrier

  • Movement speed increased from 16.5 to 20 meters per second.

Developer Comments: This change will improve Sigma’s ability to protect allies that are further away from him.

Wrecking Ball

Grappling Claw

  • Hold the jump input while the Grappling Claw is attached to terrain to retract it, pulling yourself towards the anchor point. This action can be rebound in his hero settings.
  • Now has a 1 second cooldown if Wrecking Ball never reaches ramming speed before canceling the ability. Interrupting him with Hack, Hinder, and stuns will still trigger the full cooldown.
  • The maximum duration timer no longer triggers unless he reaches ramming speed.

Adaptive Shield

  • Can now be reactivated to redistribute up to 300 overhealth to nearby allies, capping at 75 per person.
  • Enemy and ally detection radius increased from 10 to 13 meters.


  • Health increased from 50 to 60.

Developer Comments: The general goals here are to add a direct way for Wrecking Ball to support his allies aside from purely enemy team disruption, make the hero more approachable while also adding more avenues for skill expression, and improve quality of life around the grapple.

Damage Hero Changes



  • Total damage over time decreased from 100 to 90.



  • Cooldown increased from 12 to 13 seconds.

Pulse Bomb

  • Base projectile size decreased from 0.2 to 0.1 meters. The total projectile size is now 0.25 meters.

Developer Comments: There is now more downtime before Tracer can safely reengage after driving her away and Pulse Bomb will require more precision.


Drill Dash

  • Impact damage decreased from 60 to 40.
  • Damage over time increased from 40 to 60.


  • Impact damage decreased from 40 to 30.
  • Damage over time increased from 30 to 40.

Tectonic Shock

  • Vertical knockback decreased by 30%.

Developer Comments: We are redistributing the damage on some of their abilities so that positioning relative to the enemy and tracking a target are more important for dealing maximum damage.

Support Hero Balance Changes

Developer Comments: We are shifting support power around for further fine-tuning after the Hero Trial last season.


Solar Rifle

  • Primary fire recovery increased from 0.2 to 0.25 seconds.
  • Secondary fire heal-per-second increased from 105 to 115.


Sonic Amplifier

  • Damage per projectile decreased from 20 to 18.

Sound Wave

  • Damage increased from 35 to 45.


Rejuvenating Dash

  • Heal increased from 50 to 60.

Tree of Life

  • Pulse healing increased from 75 to 90.


Biotic Grasp

  • Damage per second decreased from 65 to 60.


  • Self-heal per second increased from 50 to 55.

I don’t know how I should feel about the Lucio changes

someone tell me what opinion to have

Looks like the most expensive ult just got a little nerf in the pre-fight poke phase. Able to finish off enemies a bit better with boop. eh

Could be much worse. I think I’m pretty satisfied if I’m a Lucio player


Called it. Now everyone can stop saying she does too much dps. Right? :smiley:

(Time-to-kill went from 3.8 seconds to 4.16 for 250 hp heroes)

Oh and can people stop yapping on about the conspiracy that every hero that gets a mythic is Giga-buffed, cuz I don’t see any Mercy changes here


OK. Tracer got slap on wrist. No surprise there.

Lucio and Moira changes are really strange. Not sure what they’re going for here.


Tracer Recall nerf - another taking fun nerf. Just go back with bullets. See you in a year

Tracer main

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I wonder if it was enough?

Besides Ball, Rein, and Lucio, these are pretty minor changes imo. Lucio might not be meta anymore, which kinda sucks. But maybe not, Rein will probably see more play, at least initially. So Lucio might still have a baller time with HammerDaddy.

They’re goes the neighborhood anyway :laughing:

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Besides Doom/WB (and maybe Venture idk), these are a bunch of weird finicky changes that I don’t think will effect much of anything.

Mostly characters will live longer except for when burst down, which is the meta anyways (I guess it weakens specifically Winston?). And Rein got an ult buff…for some reason.

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Dev comments:

we know she has issues, but we thought we’d make a non-change so that it gives the impression we’re trying to address her…when absolutely nothing changes with her between now and next patch we will make further non-changes

same goes for LW btw…


The way I literally predicted both Tracer changes lmao

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Stop buffing his healing already it’s not the issue


Agreed, guess the balance team truly will never learn.


So…tracer got 1 extra second of downtime and a slightly smaller pulse bomb (which doesn’t matter since you stick it point blank range usually anyways) :roll_eyes:

Yep. She’s too popular to nerf lol.


The Lifeweaver change was kinda… Pointless?

Just remove the spread on his weapon and give him 100 ammo at LEAST to make it more worth it to use since you go into so much healing downtime

The changes basically just offset the DPS passive. That’s it. It just brings them practically back to what they were before if you’re effected by the DPS passive.


Didn’t expect even more good stuff for Wrecking Ball - now with his ult change, Doom can’t juat slam and clear out his minefield for free.

I do like the little change for Doom for Empowered Punch as well.

And I love that impact damage increase of the knife for Junker Queen to reward good aim.

I finally see Junks name in the bug fixes list and it’s not addressing any of the 10 or so long term gamebreaking bugs…But instead fixing a new bug (nerf) to tire.



no real tracer nerf, no soldier nerfs, no sojourn nerfs, no orisa nerfs and a buff to sig for some reason.

wild. I’m 90% sure the devs don’t actually play this game.


The Tracer nerf was enough, Soldier does not need nerfs, granted for Soj/Orisa tho

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Lúcio didn’t need damage taken from his Sonic Amplifier and put into Soundwave. That’s dumb. If anything, the Sonic Amplifier projectiles needed 7 more damage each (to put each projectile at 27) to give him his damage combo back and the remove the damage from Soundwave.