Season 10 Patch Notes

They’re buffing the axe, not the knife.

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Completely useless changes that address NOTHING that is a problem… what the…


TBH the only good things with this patch are Venture’s release and their changes which are fine, and Doomfist’s change.

Everything else, especially the Tracer nerfs, are just so silly. Especially the Moira one. It’s like they’re doing it just to say they nerfed them, even if it was in one of the most meaningless ways.


we’ll still see tracer in 70% of games after this.

Soldier is the easiest dps in the game, the lowest skill floor hero shouldn’t also be easy to do well with in high ranked play.

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It’s the big blade swing, not gracie.

so spider ball is a thing now? we can just retract to a ceiling and wait for a slam?

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The pulse bomb nerf is notable, but nerfing ults does not affect overall viability. The recall nerf is essentially nothing. Tracer did not get changed in any way that will effect how good she is.

Also Soldier absolutely needs more strict falloff damage and Sojourn needs crits removed from railgun. All three of these characters do far too much damage.

Expect a decent balance patch in about 2 weeks once Venture’s had time to settle and they have more real world data with them in the game with the new changes.

These are literally just QOL changes for most heroes, a few outlier tweaks (lucio/illari/tracer/sombra virus) and designed to bring some of the lesser heroes up a bit who have very little pick rate.

Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a more meaty balance patch in 2 weeks time as usual.

lmao buffed junker queen again for some reason despite being most picked tank in top 500 guess shes doing bad in lower ranks then.

yayy more lifeweaver sustain buffs. because it worked every single time before this

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I doubt it, most things that need to change needed it long before Venture was a factor and they ain’t gonna change that. Soldier, Sojourn, and Tracer will still dominate, Ashe will still wait in line to dominate next, and Sombra will still find her way into every game to kill anybody’s attempts at trying out Hammond.

This patch note is such mess.

Life Weaver is now a plain healer without any character. His dmg is a joke, his main healing ability is a joke. His pull skill is a troll. He should be a nice character with throns, now he become a total baby sitter. What on earth is the developer team thing?

No Ana or Brigette change? GG these two supports suffered most due to the S9 HP buff.
Even the best Brigette player group stop using her now.

This is not how blizz balance the game, it’s your personal preference only. I think all heroes should be viable in higher ranks, not only tracer/widow (the only true hard dps).


that tiny change makes moira completely fair, imo.

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There’s always a balance patch of more substance after a new hero releases. Usually prior to comp, but even with venture entering comp early that’s still 3000x more live data than a playtest weekend and the following internal testing done after tuning.

You can’t just drastically change 36 heroes and expect things to be smooth especially with a new release AND a rework. So you tweak extreme outliers or huge pain points (like virus and tanks) and then review.

In 1 week there will be enough data to decide if they need to tweak more and we’ll get more changes. This is how it’s been for months. Last season we got lucky to have a new balance/tweak patch every roughly 2-4 weeks which was great. Season 9 was in the best position it’s been for a while bar some extreme outliers.

Again, Soldier and Sojourn at least have been long time pain points who have needed nerfs for months and months now. They are by far the best damage characters in the game and the easiest.

Sombra as well has needed a couple changes to slow her down and stop how frequently she goes for assassination attempts safely. Her teleport needs a longer cooldown. Then changing her ult to have a longer hack was straight up a mistake they shouldn’t have considered.


Soldier doesn’t have a high skill ceiling and if you position properly you can easily reduce his value. Using corners, baiting out his cds and then going for the kill he can be shut down easily. Yes he has a consistant damage ratio but only at the mid-close range.

Sojourn is a much more skill intensive hero, yes she could use some tweaking, but if you’ve got the mastery to do that then I’ll always applaud a good sojourn who can land rail shots. She requires time to charge and as you play against them you learn to understand the glowy gun means danger (it does stand out.) again playing cover and knowing how she operates/has cooldowns you can easily take her out. She’s incredibly squishy especially if she goes in deep. If the person’s aim is cracked good on them.

Sombra is a hit and run style character. Her virus was too strong and it was essentially one shotting some very low Hp toons with a hack, virus spray and leave. She’s perfectly fine especially since you can track her tps and her range is now limited. If you follow the glow you can easily secure a kill on her.

Increasing health but not decreasing damage seems crazy. 130 per mine with 60 health? His ult charges so quickly too. I guess they want to up his pickrate.

Not enough of a nerf to her overall kit. I don’t think I’ll be playing any comp until she’s had a serious rework. The games I’ve played recently have all been sombrawatch aka no fun


Anything you can do to make Soldier work less, you can do to basically any other character easier. There is no specific way to shut Soldier down because he’s good in every situation.

Sojourn’s railgun shots are too easy to land for heing hitscan Soldier rockets that can headshot with no cooldown. Either make them pinpoint hitscan shots like they always should have been, or take off the headshots and make them strictly combo tools.

And easily kill Sombra? You’re off your rocker, it’s only easy if the Sombra sucks.

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It just kills our old combo even more. I guess boop melee doing 85 damage is nice though. But i miss 4 headshots into boop melee being a one shot combo