Seagull just said Reaper needs buffs

Nah its the guy that actually speaks for a lot of the community and gets blamed by certain “people” or “community” as a scapegoat for things that were going to happen anyway. Thats him.

Oh and also a pro-flex player that was in Dallas Fuel and one of the top 5 Overwatch Streamers today.


nah, people were always fairly divided on mercy

and no, he’s not to blame for the devs completely adjusting the hero. stop being ridiculous


If I told you that I was a professional Counter-Strike player would just that fact mean I know more about the game than anyone else?

EDIT: You really didn’t address my question.

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You made a question and I gave you an answer pal. You can run around and make strawmans if you want. I totally answered your question correctly, you choosing not to believe the truth is on you mate.

PS: Who said he knows “more about the game than anyone else”? Who are you replying to mate?

PS2: Yeah, i know your question was rethorical, you were just playing “cool”, ok?

Is he or is he not the guy people who were looking for Brig nerfs were referencing? I didn’t ask if he was part of the community, I was asking if he was the guy the inspired people to cry about nerfing Brig.

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Actually reaper at higher ranks is down there with torb, sym and bastion presently but i think the difference between him and them is that he feels more consistent.

i see multiple problems with reaper that don’t include shadow step.

His damage is basically halved agains armor yet he’s supposed to be a tank buster.

He has a ability to escape or intitiate but not both, as a close range hero he should have both, tracer, doomfist and others all have that luxury yet reaper doesn’t.


Who cares about Seagull anyways, Reaper does need buffs tho.

He also said that tanks in Overwatch are OP, which I largely agree with because a lot of the time they are just better dps.

Same damage output just with a massive healthpools, dps have been sideline to pure utility and are super underrepresented.

He isn’t really a tank buster to begin with, people just don’t go for the squishes first. He’s just as capable of killing those.

Also shadow step (many people will disagree) is meant to setup for him getting behind and flanking, not teleporting into the enemy. You just use it off in a corner/wall that the enemy doesn’t have los to.

Wrath form is mostly used to disengage; like getting 2 picks and running back to your team. It can also be used as a way to divert enemy fire in team fights. Should never be used to run up to the enemy though (even for a blossom).

However yes, in spite of what I have been arguing, Reaper should see some buffs in line with an ability that would benefit his team in fights… It’s just irritating to see people that latch on to things other people say rather than use their own heads to think critically.


Yeah i understand that, hive mind mentalities seem to be prominent on the forums lately, especially all the movement nonsense.

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Overwatch has no king.
Overwatch needs no king…

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reaper hasn’t been in any kinda meta for too long. it’s about time we had our anti tank savior get buffed and destroy the goats meta omegalul

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No, he’s just another guy with an opinion of his own, and voiced it.

Armor is his counter, he should not be good against it. He already shreds up close with some of the highest damage in the game.

His issue is that he has neither the durability nor the mobility to close in to use it.

Brig is still strong. If you really can’t win with her, I would consider switching games because besides Mercy, Brig is one of the lowest lows in this game.

It will if they both fix the issue he has so he can easily and reliably close gaps and on top of that remove armor as a counter to him.

Like Reaper’s counterplay is range and armor. He already has some of the highest damage in the game, and an invincibility skill that reloads his guns and can be cancelled at will.

He does not need both forms of counterplay removed.

Thanks for recognizing it <3

And with a snap of his fingers, Reaper could Mass Rez. Causing an uproar in the Overwatch community for years to come…

But seriously Reaper needs rather minor changes and not to be turned into a Mercy 2.0

I hear they just called an emergency saturday meeting to get the buffs out on the ptr next week!


But dont we want Reaper to be the new Hanzo | Doomfist?

All he has going for him is his shotguns… they can’t buff his abilities where they do dmg. So , its a fine way to die, with shotguns pellets to the face

Not an assasin, but an ALL in EDGE-LORD bruiser