Scrap Ironclad, return Bastions shield

I personally prefer if they took it in another direction. I would love to see him more versatile, if that’s even possible with his playstyle. Because it seems even when he is covered by his team (Like an Orisa) he can be a weak pick, while also being a relatively strong pick in lower ranks (Which can make him feel oppressive to players who struggle against him)

It would also be cool if he had more heroes that meshed well with him.

I love watching Kolorblind play Bastion, especially when they teamed up with Stevo’s Sym, but idk. I just don’t personally feel shields are the way to go, which is why I believe that they scrapped it for a reason.

And obviously none of that is working out for Bastion so you have just exagurated something massive in there. Or rather, omitted something. Such as not being able to move. That voids pretty much all of it. Widow and Hanzo deal burst damage from far away with no falloff. Well what happens with that is that they only have to deal with a tiny but of his dps and get through his armor fast. They aren’t effected by armor almost at all too.

I don’t like the idea of a shield either because it doesn’t fix some of his issues. It definitely helps against cheese and hook in particular which is nice, but at what cost? I’d just imagine “shield! REEEEEE!” I know I’m exaggerating it but it’s close enough.

One change I think it was BTC was thinking about was putting sentry on a resource like his healing is, but buffing it a ton. It allows him to go on and off without incurring massive timers all the time and it’s useful for killing things that aren’t barriers again but you can’t stay there forever.

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Somehow I don’t think that’s an exaggeration lmao

But yeah there is a lot going against Bastion, and I just think the shield will only improve play all around.

I don’t personally watch BTC but this is a pretty interesting idea, especially if they buff it a lot and make the transition between modes smoother

This just makes me physically ill.

A bit off topic, but I kind of disagree here. She starts to auto regen when not taking damage for a second, she has mobility if she can find an ally / corpse, and she can put out 100DPS not counting crits and misses. Additionally, she has the largest projectile in game with her blaster, and she gets even better mobility, regen that isn’t interrupted, and infinite ammo in valk.

I play a lot of Mercy, she’s not nearly as defenseless as she’s made out to be. The main drawback to her defenses compared to other supports? She cannot both heal and damage at the same time, and she must weapon swap which is a pretty big deal as it delays her potential to fight back if need be.

Let me throw this out there.

Swap Tank and Sentry modes, making the former Bastion’s Shift ability and the latter his ult.

What if i swapped Tracer’s ult and primary fire?

D,Va’s ult and primary fire?

Soldier’s ult and primary fire?


That’s another issue right there lol.

Roadhog’s ult and primary fire…

The permanent shield was cancer, but I think a temporary shield with a very short uptime could be a healthy way to make him less niche and needy.

A poster called MagyTheMage made a workshop mod that gives him a temporary shield that he can only keep up for a small, recharging amount of time: this is the code.


Fundamentally Bastion needs to become more self-sufficient and versatile, since he feels weak at anything other than winning barrier wars at the moment.

None of those heroes are Bastion. Try coming up with an actual argument.

I think so much could be addressed with mobility changes. If Bastion had more positioning options I think he wouldn’t be as bad.

Don’t forget immortality field and soon Sigma shield.

And all of them would be horrible if you swapped their primary fire and ult.

Same as Bastion.

All I would do for Bastion is a QoL verrrrry slight mobility buff.

  • Change Configuration now has two animations.
  • current animation is used for if he is standing still when the ability key is pressed.
  • a new “rolling transform” animation occurs if Bastion is pressing a direction when the ability key is hit
  • Transform Roll is 5 meters, on a 5 second cooldown

What this would do is give him a fluent “movement” option for getting into and out of position as Sentry mode. It would enable the Bastions who like to hit-and-run a viable tactic to use, as well as a bit more versatile escape.

In practice, you could peek a corner by rolling into Sentry form, and once you think you need to retreat roll out of sight once again into Recon mode. Imagine it like in the Michael Bay Transformers movies, where they can fully transform from robot to vehicle and vice versa while in motion.

The cooldown is debatable, I only put it on as a deterrent to him spamming the roll. But then again, the transform time would also cancel out the effectiveness of said spam, so that’s up got consideration.

Everything that makes Bastion suck to play against is in his Sentry form. Tank form might need its damage tweaked downward to make up for no longer being an ult, but I don’t see any reason why this can’t work.

But you need to re-add the 180 turn degree limit or whatever it was, when he had a barrier.

You may not realize how many times that’s been suggested in the megathread, but it never worked out. even in testing.

IDK what you’re talking about I’m programming that in the workshop including some other changes and I think tank is pretty balanced with 125 damage per shot, 3 shots and an auto reload every 1.5 seconds.