Scoreboard design sucks

If they want to keep the scoreboard which is fine even tho for me its kinda useless for this type of game but its another subject, but at least they should do it right, i don’t know why they did choose to make a classic scoreboard, it’s so unreadable and boring they shouldve change it to something already done before but with a rework, the scoreboard of overwatch 1 was perfectly fine and they decided to throw it away just like that
The idea is to let as it is player vs player up down but adding stats next to the character you’re playing
It will be way more clear this way and it will be less confusing for people who were used to
They should also bring back the fire system, the % of ultimate, border/lvl if people wanted to show stop forcing people let them choose, is that complicated?


Scoreboard still doesn’t have any Objective-specific metrics.

In an objective based game. Not sure how that makes sense.


Good and bad thing about design is that its something easy to change and will not really “unbalance” anything else by doing it. Bad thing is that ofc it will not please everyone, that is a given.

It makes sense because you spending 40 sec at the objective as Widow, doesnt mean anything or makes you worse than a Zen that has 2mins while being semi afk on the payload.

Objective time is a useless stat in almost every context. Its only awarded by literally standing in 1 spot.


I have no idea what you mean by this.

They apparently plan to.

They already did.

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Is it really though?

I mean yeah, there is an objective, but so has Counter Strike for example. But we all know CS is mostly about fragging and killing the enemy.

Objectives are more of a context/pretext.

It’s just something to flavour the actual goal of the game, which is “win as many team fights as you can”.

The objective progress is also permanently shown during a match without even pressing Tab.

So I think OW2 scoreboard is a step in the right direction.

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It does when people know how to read it but this is not gonna happen, most of the time ppl will fail because you have to read the stats for each player and good luck making a strategy out of it in the middle of fight

im not good with photoshop or an artist but i was thinking about something looks like this :

I loved the scoreboard in beta, because it was always the guy trying to flame tf out of people who was doing literally nothing, and now you can call them out on it. Amazing.


How does that change anything? He will deny or find excuse and create even more toxicity…

That’s when you just /block… and you can’t deny numbers.

You can’t deny numbers but you can misinterpret them very easily especially on this game

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Ah, I getcha. I think the beta version is a lot more readable if you ask me. I prefer all the stats being grouped in a line.

Misinterpreting numbers is still less frustrating than literally pretending something wrong.

So the scoreboard is a W anyway.


The scoreboard will deny the pretenders but will allow factual toxic players to justify their toxicity.

And I think that liers and pretenders are the worst kind of toxic people.

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It’s a nice try but hmm, I feel like this is harder to read

On first glance, my eye just sees five colorful blocks against a dark background. I feel like this will make it harder to read the info quickly since it is like looking at five different pages. The current scoreboard mutes the background with a clean overlay and the biggest contrast is the white letters that show us the data

I think the scoreboard could have been made better and maybe they could have kept it in the same setup as the OW1 one instead of going with the box direction but overall I think it works fine. I feel like the biggest reason they went this direction over the previous ‘hero by hero’ one is that now we have the list of hero speciifc stats to include (like the Lucio ones in Pretts example).

If we made it side by side like in your example and we don’t shrink the icons/spacing then it becomes harder to imagine where we put block/cc/etc stats – scrolling down column by column feels like it could be asking a lot :thinking:

You know what makes things more clear? Sentences and periods. I’m sure I could figure out where each of your sentences begin and end, but I don’t feel like reading your post 3 times to try to figure it out just because you were too lazy to press the period key at the end of your sentences.

Sure next time i will do more effort, but i’m just trying to copy blizzard, being lazy is contagious

I love this so much more than what Blizz did because all I care about during the match is ult charge, hero picks, and respawn timers. Stats are nice, but totally unnecessary during the match, just gives people more cause to argue in the middle of the match. Scoreboard should just be available at the end for those idiots who want to argue about numbers.


In the OW2 forums, which I can’t reference because they removed our access for some reason, someone posted a mockup of a vastly superior scoreboard layout. Hero images nice and clear, easy to see the ult status, and easy to read the rows. But of course Blizz ignored that and just put out some garbage design that is much harder to read in every way. Sad.

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It changes things because a) you will know the toxic persom is in the wrong and b) so will your teammates.

Previously riled up folk would just jump in with whoever is being loudest. Now your teammates will have context.

I could have 30 kills on dps and the second dps have 6. They would blame ME for the loss.
Sure, I absolutely could have done things better, but if you have 6 kills you arent doing anything. So dont blame me when you contributed nothing. Now with the scoreboard its harder for people to put false blame, and also to lie about things like “I have most damage.”

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Scoreboard is fine. It makes it so players can no longer flat out lie about what they are doing.

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