Scoreboard design sucks

Scoreboard is great. It could use healing received as a stat as well.


its kinda useless for this type of game

Ummmmmm come again? Overwatch is a competitive team-based shooter. Knowing what is going on within your team is extremely important. The lack of a scoreboard throughout all of OW1 for the sake of “only good vibes for the good boys and girls” has been a frustrating nightmare.

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What was in beta is not the final version.

Bruh… Bruh

Fire is supposedly coming back, %ultimate is already there, border/lvl portraits were just a distraction.

It is.

Because in Counter Strike players do not respawn during round, so you can win just by wiping out enemy team. Overwatch has respawn system, so it’s not an option.

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That’s not true at all, most toxic player are toxic because they know they’re doing better than everyone and lost the game at the end… what are you gonna do if you have 6 kills and the guy has 30 kills flaming you? It’s still toxicity and nothing has changed, there is no justification when it comes to toxicity.

Another bronze take please can you stop posting under my posts thanks.
People think because we will know how many dmg x player will do now they’ll understand the game better lmao
It’s not a classic fps, this game is not like the others where you can solo carry, it’s because it’s a team based that you don’t need too many information or individual info but only the main one, like ultimate, respawn, and on fire.
What are you gonna do with data in the middle of the game? Make an excel? regroup and talk in the middle of the fight? I can have 30kills but only 4k dmg while you can have 10k dmg but only 5kills, i bet you don’t even know what does this mean, so be quiet with your scoreboard and you’re offtopic

Yeah right, portrait was a distraction for you, as i said let people choose what do they want, imagine farming all those years to get diamond border and removing it just like nothing happened, portrait was also an achievement, i know something you probably rarely do.

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Your OW1 portrait will still be displayed in your profile.

Wow that’s really super! What if i don’t want to show my stats but my portrait? Another stupid idea coming from blizzard and another downgrade

Design isn’t great, but all I really want is a ‘healed’ column (not output).

Not really, I had brains enough to know they didn’t matter. OTOH, they were an issue enough Blizz is moving them onto the profile. I have a diamond border account btw… among my eight accounts. The point is they created problems during and directly after a match often.

You still have your precious, it’s on your profile. An achievement based border system is coming that is not tied to level. Happy?

Bro people like you who doesn’t care of anything, your life must be happy jesus

they were issue for some people not for everyone yet they punish everyone by removing entirely from the game

No, a system lvl was nice to have now it will be replaced by insignificant battlepass that resets

Based on community feedback which you are out of alignment with, border portraits on levels going away. Sucks to be the outlier sometimes :person_shrugging:

That’s how it works, like it or not, majority rules. They are still on your profile btw.

I am sorry you took this all so seriously. Perhaps OW is not the game for you if displaying level borders is that important.

Majority of nothing, since when they asked something lmao
6 years they didnt give a fly about the game or community

It’s not only that but few things there and here that made ow what it is, its part of the identity of the game, ow2 feel like a downgrade.

The majority of feedback from OW1 was that level borders caused more problems than they solved. By all means, post your feelings on it.

For others its an upgrade, apparently for the majority its seen as an upgrade. Why does your minority opinion matter more than theirs exactly? Look, not saying you have to like it, but you should recognize why it was done even if you personally don’t like it.

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Stop saying majority, ow2 is based on feedback of pro players and streamers.

It is true because thats an actual example from my games lol.

Theres a mute button. And obviously if I have 6 kills Im holding the team back lmao.

People who are gonna be toxic no matter what shouldnt affect things like having a scoreboard.

However in the beta alone I have had people shut up after I pointed out they were doing worse than me on the scoreboard.

its kinda useless for this type of game

Holy cow did you not play OW1? Not having a scoreboard is a toxicity nightmare. It creates situations where nobody has any clue what’s going on and people just make blind accusations without any evidence. You cant even defend yourself because you have no idea how your performance compares to your teammates. If you’re DPS with 6k damage and you have silver damage you might think “sure I don’t have gold damage but they probably have like 7k damage or something” when in reality they may have 16k damage. If you ask them “whats gold damage” they could say literally any number and it means nothing to you.

Even if you’re being incredibly optimistic and ignore all the toxicity, you’re still missing out on being able to accurately judge how your performance is. I’m a support with 10k healing. Is that good? Am I doing good? I have gold healing but how much better am I doing than the other healer? what about the enemy healers? If I can’t see if I’m doing abysmal numbers, how can I identify that I’m probably doing something wrong? I literally have no evidence that I’m doing anything wrong. As far as I’m aware I’m doing amazing and the rest of my team is the reason why they keep dying. They’re probably out of position or something. Which again leads us back to why toxicity was so rampant in OW1.

It was a horrible idea from the get go and the fact that OW1 went through its entire life without accepting how stupid its exclusion was is absolutely mind boggling to me. Honestly, in my experience I’ve noticed a significant reduction in how toxic people are during games since OW2 has come out.