Science fiction literature

I have a Juno fewer and need smething to keep myself mentally stable before Juno release. Pleasw recommend any science fiction books with MC like Juno ?

I don’t know about what books like are out there, But you play Outer worlds or No Man’s sky.
But I might be off the mark here.

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Classic :+1:


I would suggest something from the era that her design is inspired from, but you’re not going to find a female lead there. But I’ll always recommend Frank Herbert’s Dune. The 2019 movie (I haven’t watched the most recent one, so I can’t comment on it) felt like I was skimming through the book, though that’s fair considering how much content they had to cut to make a reasonable length movie. Still, a lot of good stuff was lost and I recommend the book. Don’t watch the David Lynch version if you’re not prepared to go Mystery Science Theater on it, it was tragically bad.

Played them all, now playing eve online (again) but I want something to read, books work better on me when I need escape reality

It’s more of a failing if you don’t have Mystery Science Theater mode cocked and ready for any movie.


I heard they were coming back, but didn’t look into it. Maybe I should stop being like most other forum-goers and actually use Google.

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Hey, thanks for suggestion! But read all 6( let’s not discuss hunters and sandwarms of dune) many many times (more than 3). Anything else from that era?
P.s. I read all R. Heinlein so podkayne of Mars is not an option, even if she is like Juno
P.p.s. I do love David Lynch version and Francesca Annis was my childhood crush :wink:

There was one written by one of his sons after he died. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was about the start of the Butlerian Jihad. I don’t remember if it was any good though, it’s been so long since I read it. I clearly think the original was better, since I pretty much memorized it.

hunters of dune and sandworms of dune. Book7 splitterd to two. personally I found them awful

James S. A. Corey’s expanse novels are pretty good sci Fi if you haven’t read them already.

Since i got a degree in English literature, i can recommend a few well-known science fictions:

  1. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (my personal favorite)
  2. Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
  3. 1984 by George Orwell (too mainstream)
  4. Neuromancer by William Gibson
  5. Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky
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I found it, it’s The Battle of Corrin that I read. I haven’t read the other ones he wrote, probably because of this book.

Read the mass effect series easy

Read them all except metro, dont like settings. Did you read Hyperion (Simmons) ?

Haven’t yet but now that you do mention it, i would look into it.

With this one I prefer read right after tv season aired , so I have new books on my kindle, but will wait new season on amazon :wink:

Azimov, Clark, Harrison, Lem, P.K.Dick, Gibson, Heinlain…most likely i read all theirs books (foundation for sure, two times). Robert Heinlein had few really good female MC, mentioned before Podkayne of Mars, Friday . They’re not OP but truly strong heroines, just like Juno .
Man…just realized that I am old school ;(

That’s pretty smart. The series is actually pretty good but reading the books first ruined it for me.

If you don’t mind going OLD school Isaac Asimov wrote some fantastic novels. Unfortunately, like most of the early sci Fi, female characters are few and far between.

I consider the Foundation novels to be quintessential sci Fi.

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Do you enjoy Karpishin’s style? ME is my favorite rpg, but is cant read those books, writing style feels off

I like the Andromeda books more than the Milky Way ones.