Science fiction literature

There’s some cool SF reads that don’t have a Juno like MC that I still think would be worth a good try. The Andromeda Strain and Prey, both my Michael Crichton are phenomenal reads. Whilst they don’t have a Martian-Waifu MC they’re skill some of my favorite pieces of SF literature.

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Hey thanks mate ! - JR voice line.
Ill give it a try right away

If you want a Juno-like personality to read you’ll be aiming for YA science fiction most of the time, wish I could give you a rec but I’m more into the heavier stuff.

Just finished Children of Time, that one has female leads but more of the Moira variety lol. It was a fun read but maybe not if you have arachnophobia. :slight_smile:

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Just play Fallout and run around the world in Nuka-Girl’s clothes

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Good old SF , finished stain, gonna read second book . Thanks for suggestion mate!

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Yeah, Prey is one of my favorite reads of all time.

Man second book is even better , just finished:)

If you’ll accept comics, then the Weird Science/Science-Fantasy and Incredible Science Fiction series from EC Comics (no that’s not a typo, that’s EC - not DC) has a good selection of stories; with a lot of them having that good old 50’s to 80’s space age aesthetic Juno is sort of going for.

I remember movie called weird science :wink:

We have movies/tv shows now, so you don’t have to read books anymore. :person_shrugging:

The last science fiction show I watched was um, silo? It’s on apple tv+ I think. It wasn’t bad, I’m looking forward to the second season.

Just watch uruse yatsure. The whole point of it is thst the main guy gets juno as a waifu

Ender’s Game. Theres a female character too!

And if you really wanna go far out, check out my favorite book The Coming of Tan by Riley Martin. Its a semi-Science-Fiction :sunglasses: :ringer_planet:

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Alien abduction…interesting

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Hiiiiiighly recommended!

Thank me later. :wink: :ringer_planet: